New Muchembled Releases
Posted by Eric on 29 January 2001, 00:05 GMT
Julien Muchembled has released new versions of his programs MaxMem v2.20 (for the TI-89 and TI-92+), TIB Receiver v1.10 (for the TI-89 and TI-92+), and HW2Patch v2.30 (for the TI-89 and TI-92+ again). These new versions are updated to work with AMS 2.05, and judging by the response on IRC and such, they look to be pretty nice. On a side note, longtime users will note that file archive updates have recently been a bit lacking. If you've recently submitted a program and it hasn't appeared yet, no need to worry. Please keep the submissions coming; we might be a bit behind now but we're still alive and well, and plan to get back on our feet quickly. Thanks for the patience.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: New Muchembled Releases
Good. Very good. Thanks, Julian!
29 January 2001, 00:12 GMT
Re: New Muchembled Releases
Tim Buckingham
(Web Page)
Hrmmm...hire me to help with your archives!
No, seriously, I'm serious =) I'd love to help with the archives. Take it into serious consideration.
29 January 2001, 00:13 GMT
Re: New Muchembled Releases
Flavien Racine
(Web Page)
C pas trop tot !
Et puis mes adaptations ?
29 January 2001, 00:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: New Muchembled Releases
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
Thing is, there is no one language that all humans understand. So you are using flawed logic. :P
We can't all just choose one language and use it--if anything should be default, it should be Swedish, because the server is in Sollentuna, Sweden. Men jag talar inte Svenska [But I don't speak Swedish] (thanks, Magnus, hehe).
Many people speak French much better than English. Or German, or Spanish. We get Portuguese letters to on occasion, too. I like to make my posts bi-lingual when I think it helps to speak in non-English languages (because I don't necessarily speak the other languages so well), but non-English messages are just as welcome here as English ones.
Oh... Hol loS jijatlh.
31 January 2001, 10:41 GMT
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