BomberMaze68K v0.95 Released
Posted by Eric on 15 January 2001, 04:06 GMT
Flavien Racien has released BomberMaze68K v0.95, which, as you might have guessed already, is a Bomberman clone for the TI-89 and the TI-92+. BomberMaze68K joins the list of Bomberman clones such as BomberBoy v1.2 and Bomberman 89, so we'll see how it stacks up. This one includes a host of nice features, so be sure to take a look. You might also want to visit Flavien's webpage.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: BomberMaze68K v0.95 Released
fun, don't you agree?
15 January 2001, 04:27 GMT
Re: BomberMaze68K v0.95 Released
Pete D.
I have been a BigDyna fan for quite a while (when it didn't work on the new AMS, I immediately switched back to the old). BomberMaze goes beyond BigDyna, it even has animated blocks to blow up! It's definitely a new favorite for me.
15 January 2001, 04:28 GMT
Re: BomberMaze68K v0.95 Released
(Web Page)
How come yall never post screenshots anymore?
Heck all you have to do is drag it onto VTI, right click and hit screenshot.
15 January 2001, 06:05 GMT
Speaking of the TI-89...
Mahiman Sathianathan
I am planning to buy a TI-89, and I was wondering about the quality of its LCD screen. Do the pixels have gaps between them? Also are the buttons 'soft touch' or are they like the TI-86's buttons that don't feel very good when you press them. By the way, I live in New Zealand and down here, you can't get TI-89s from a shop so I will have to maill order it... Thats why I need help!
15 January 2001, 10:20 GMT
Re: BomberMaze68K v0.95 Released
Dave Havok
This isn't related to BomberMaze (which I think is very cool, though), but is it just me, or does ticalc seem to be getting really lazy lately? There aren't any new screenshots being added, and sometimes file updates are a week or more apart. What's going on?
15 January 2001, 10:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: BomberMaze68K v0.95 Released
(Web Page)
Yeah, my site is pretty time consuming as well, but I enjoy it. It's kind of interesting trying to keep up with message board posts, updating the program archive, working on a TI-89 FAQ, working on setting up a new forum, writing a TI-89 Basic programming tutorial, working on implementing SlashCode, and checking up on its search engine and directory placements all at the same time, all while being very busy with my normal activities such as school. =-) It's fun, though, and I'm especially happy with the result.
16 January 2001, 02:01 GMT
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