RadioLincs For Sale, Tetris Ported, Miscellaneous Goodies
Posted by Eric on 25 October 2000, 00:30 GMT
Lots of interesting things have recently come to my attention. Why does everything always have to happen at once? Anyway, I'll just jumble them all here: - Fission2 Labs has announced the availability of their new uber-cool RadioLincs. This link enables you to use wireless UHF 433mhz devices to communicate with your TI calculator. You can buy these links at their website.
- Zeljko Juric has been kind enough to release a version of Tetris 89 that works with Hardware II for everyone who's been wondering on the message boards. I'm sure many of you will be happy about that.
- And now, something a little more on the useless side that I found mildly interesting. A user who calls himself VmanL sent me word of an easter egg he found at for the TI-89: On the TI-89 with AMS v2.00+, press F5, diamond, CLEAR. A little unexpected screen pops out. It's nothing to write home about, and there's probably more easter eggs out there, but just the presence of them on TI calculators was kind of cool. Or something. Anyway I'll stop rambling now.
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Re: RadioLincs For Sale, Tetris Ported, Miscellaneous Goodies
(Web Page)
Here's something to save a tad of time on the 83plus: If you have a billion programs on your calc and don't want to spend a long time scrolling through, you can press alpha and then the beginning letter of the program and it'll take you to where the programs are that start with that letter. This is not an easter egg but just something fairly interesting if you didn't know already.
26 October 2000, 04:36 GMT
Re: RadioLincs For Sale, Tetris Ported, Miscellaneous Goodies
I really would like to buy a starter kit of radio-link 1.0 or 2.0 but I wonder: do you send kits out of the USA? I live in Switzerland...
And what is the transfer speed (comparing with the normal TI-TI cable) ?
26 October 2000, 18:43 GMT
radiolinc plans?
are you guys gonna offer plan for this? that would lower the cost a bit. all i see now is one schematic (which still looks kinda similar to one in a certain datasheet), that's for ver 1, right? how is it connected? there's three lines, but how do those connect to the link port? obviously i wouldn't expect full plans for free, but something other than fully assembled would cut costs for those of us with soldering skills.
also - i may want to write a program that does not use ti's link protocol (it's too slow). will the radiolinc work with this? that is, does it transmit the line level, or does is muck with the actual link protocol?
26 October 2000, 19:27 GMT
How will this effect things like the SATs?
This may be a very far sighted comment, but now that there are internal RT links available for calculators, doesn't this mean that cheating just became infinitely easier? How long will it be before The College Board and the ACT people end up banning calculators simply because it's far too easy to cheat with them?
26 October 2000, 20:40 GMT
EL Backlight for 89
when i went to the Fusion web site it told me about it but i could not find the materials at the company they said to goto also the directions they said to use specifically say dont use these instructions on the 89.
Where can i get the materials and directions?
26 October 2000, 21:59 GMT
Yet another question on the links...
Paulo Marques
What about interference when more then 2 calcs have the link? or... having a multicalc chat? ;)
27 October 2000, 00:06 GMT
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