RadioLincs For Sale, Tetris Ported, Miscellaneous Goodies
Posted by Eric on 25 October 2000, 00:30 GMT
Lots of interesting things have recently come to my attention. Why does everything always have to happen at once? Anyway, I'll just jumble them all here: - Fission2 Labs has announced the availability of their new uber-cool RadioLincs. This link enables you to use wireless UHF 433mhz devices to communicate with your TI calculator. You can buy these links at their website.
- Zeljko Juric has been kind enough to release a version of Tetris 89 that works with Hardware II for everyone who's been wondering on the message boards. I'm sure many of you will be happy about that.
- And now, something a little more on the useless side that I found mildly interesting. A user who calls himself VmanL sent me word of an easter egg he found at for the TI-89: On the TI-89 with AMS v2.00+, press F5, diamond, CLEAR. A little unexpected screen pops out. It's nothing to write home about, and there's probably more easter eggs out there, but just the presence of them on TI calculators was kind of cool. Or something. Anyway I'll stop rambling now.
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the self tests and easter egg....
my calc crashed the first time i did the f5 dimond clear deal.....and then crashed on several of the tests the first time.....does that mean i have faulty hardware? it hasnt done it again....only the first time.....
25 October 2000, 05:22 GMT
Re: RadioLincs For Sale, Tetris Ported, Miscellaneous Goodies
Amalfi Marini
(Web Page)
Mmmm, this Eegg is not like those in HP calcs, there you'll find many grayscale photographs of the HP team, etc
25 October 2000, 05:34 GMT
tetris bug:(
anyone else notice that if you have a long piece (you know, the straight piece) it goes through the bottom of the screen if there isn't a piece there? It was fine a couple times, then my calc crashed. But I'm still thrilled to have tetris for my calc now, been waiting so long
25 October 2000, 06:37 GMT
Re: RadioLincs For Sale, Tetris Ported, Miscellaneous Goodies
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
I would like to have modem for TI89 and other calcs.
Although, currently is possible to connect TI+graphlink+Null modem+Gender changer+modem+telephone line, this is quite clumsy and not suitable for portable machine.
Ideal combination would be
TI+special modem+telephone line.
I have opinion that it is possible to build it using
chip ST75C540 from ST electronics (
This chip contains DSP processor, analog frontend and memory, required for V.32Bis (14400 bps).
On telephone side it is necessary to add some operational amplifiers and transformer, while on TI side some circuit with shift registers to collect bits.
I confess, I am bad in electronics, so maybe I was wrong in this assumption.
This chip seems to be hard to find in electronics shops, but price for quantities above 25 is $22 at (unfortunantelly, this is minimal purchasable quantity). So, total modem price will be about $50.
Is my idea correct? If yes, how to purchase this chip? (I do not live in USA) How exactly TI sends/recieves bit/byte through link cable?
25 October 2000, 13:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: RadioLincs For Sale, Tetris Ported, Miscellaneous Goodies
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
Well, I ve ported TCP/IP protocol to TI89.
I will soon release it as open source.
It is 8K long (so AMS 2.03 compatible) and contains SLIP, IP, TCP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, Telnet and HTTP, although quite rudimentar.
Of course, do not expect fancy user interface of
such small program. But, in 24 K (new limit) we can add DNS, UDP, ICMP, better user interface and improve current protocoles.
With one pocket, probabbly battery powered, modem TI89 can be as useful machine as Palmpilot, Psion series 3 etc.
27 October 2000, 09:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: RadioLincs For Sale, Tetris Ported, Miscellaneous Goodies
(Web Page)
time for a nice flame.
"The only really useful Palm Pilot is the Palm VII, that has a built in wireless modem."
OK, sure, if you're willing to pay $45 per month to get unlimited access on a GREYSCALE, LIMITED-HTML-COMPATIBLE PALM PILOT, be my guest. Plus, pay for internet service on your computer. Sounds like a good idea. Fool.
"If you have to be somewhere where you have phone line, ISP, etc., then you might as well just use a laptop."
Yes, let's pay $1,800+ for a laptop when we can pay $100 for two RadioLincs... and do a $10 wiring job on your computer modem to hook it up to a Linc... and get on the internet, using an existing payment plan.
"The usefulness of something like a calculator or Palm Pilot (I'm not going to tell which of mine I like better :) is that it is small enough to fit in your hand/pocket and is not tied down (as with needed a phone line)."
I like my Palm Pilot better. It has a much larger memory supply, can be expanded into an MP3 player, game system, GPS console, cellular phone, digital camera, etc. etc. There's no comparison. Don't use something simply because it's portable. Use it for a good purpose.
5 July 2001, 18:39 GMT
Re: RadioLincs For Sale, Tetris Ported, Miscellaneous Goodies
Personally, I think that the radio links are pretty cool, but they seem pretty expensive unless they work really good, and and get very good range.
25 October 2000, 21:09 GMT
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