Screenshot Staff Starts Screenshotting Stuff
Posted by Nick on 13 August 2000, 22:30 GMT
Screenshot stuff is go! Thanks to all the people who sent in applications. About thirty applied; I accepted eleven. Here's the current screenshot staff. This could grow or shrink as time goes on, and if you applied and didn't make it now your application will still be considered. The current roster: Once again, thanks very much to everyone who applied. I appreciate your enthusiasm very much. Now let's get to work! :) Update (Nick): Oops! Forgot to mention that you can now upload your (black and white, in .gif form) screenshots using our file upload form. Update (Eric): Sorry about the lateness with getting back on the review staff applicants and their email addresses. We should have that up soon... Update (Andy): Contrary to comments on the board, please do not re-upload files via the upload form for the sole purpose of including screenshots. Steve's job is already time-consuming as it is. Either leave screenshotting to the screenshot staff or wait until your next release. Additionally, animated screenshots should not be uploaded via the file upload form. We hope to add that ability real-soon(tm).
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Screenshot Staff Starts Screenshotting Stuff
alejandro wagmister
I was going to apply, but I have a pretty tight schedule as it is, so. I'd rather be part of the review staff; i'm a writer myself.
13 August 2000, 22:44 GMT
Re: Screenshot Staff Starts Screenshotting Stuff
n/a n/a
Didn't everybody here listen to common knowledge :
the GIF format is kind of 'dead' ;^)
I know some webmasters that are getting rid of all those files !
I suppose that an automated process could transform the already GIFed archives to an other-format-screenshoted ones, but why continue screenshoting in GIF format ?
Authentical : A british company has also registered the 'hypertext-link' and would like to get some royalties now !!!
14 August 2000, 01:04 GMT
Re: Re: Screenshot Staff Starts Screenshotting Stuff
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
Well, if ticalc wants to keep putting the screenshots online, then it doesn't have too many choices for the format.
The reason gif is deprecated is, of course, that the compression algorithm it uses is patented by UniSys, who is demanding royalties for use of gif images on commercial sites. ticalc isn't commercial, so if they choose to abandon gif it would merely be on principle.
Most all older browsers - including IE 4.xx and NS 4.xx - only support gif and jpeg. And since jpeg is not lossless, it's obviously not a very good choice for calc screenshots. ticalc wants to maintain some backwards compatibility, last I checked. . .
If they wanna ditch users of old browsers, png would be the format to use here - both lossless and well compressed. But compression wouldn't really be a factor on small calc screenshots, so it's just a question of whether ticalc feels like joining the movement against gif, and I have a feeling it doesn't.
14 August 2000, 01:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Screenshot Staff Starts Screenshotting Stuff
Robert Xeon Smith
(Web Page)
<<Most all older browsers - including IE 4.xx and NS 4.xx - only support gif and jpeg.>>
If checks its logs, I have a feeling that they'll find that somewhere between 90 and 95% of users have PNG-aware browsers (IE4 and above, and Netscape 4 and above), even if the PNG code for transparency is severely broken in all of them. The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (for which I know statistics) logs indicate that 95% of viewers can see PNG files.
<<I would choose GIF because it only needs to consider 256 colors...and a calc only uses 2 (most of the time). I wonder, though, if a monochrome bitmap would be smaller. It really doesn't matter though, because since we are dealing only with 2 colors, the smallest format wins! Those people making a fuss about GIFs because they are old technology...well, oh well! They are small, and get the job done quite well.>>
Sorry to be rude, but you obviously have NO UNPRINTABLE IDEA what you're talking about. GIF supports *ONLY* 8-bit color. PNG supports:
1-bit, 2-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, and 16-bit grayscale,
24-bit and 48-bit color,
1-bit, 2-bit, 4-bit, and 8-bit paletted color (including on-off or variable transparency),
8-bit and 16-bit grayscale with a full 8-bit or 16-bit alpha channel, respectively, and
24-bit and 48-bit color with a full 8-bit or 16-bit alpha channel, respectively. (The most deeply insane type therefore supports John Carmack's advocated 64-bit color!).
As Duffman would say, "OH, YEAH!". PNGs natively support monochrome. Who's the smaller format now? PNG is whatever you need it to be: draconian monochrome format to deeply insane 2^48 different colors format. Using smart palette-reducing and filter-and-compression-optimizing programs (pngrewrite and pngcrush, respectively), you can squeeze EVERY LAST BYTE out of a PNG. If you don't use transparency, most browsers (even stupid IE) can view PNGs correctly. (Mac IE5 is notable for supporting all color types of PNG with all possible transparency options correctly.) I have experimented with a few screenshots, and indeed PNG produces significantly smaller files than deprecated GIF for uses. About the only thing that GIF is still good for is animations: the incredibly powerful (although much less beautiful than PNG) MNG format is still being codified and isn't supported much of anywhere yet.
By the way, PNG is not NEARLY as new as people think it is. PNG was developed all the way back in 1995. That's when Windows 95 was released. No one considers Win95 to be a new kid on the block, eh? PNG isn't either.
16 August 2000, 10:47 GMT
Re: Screenshot Staff Starts Screenshotting Stuff
(Web Page)
Hey Nick, adding the ability to upload screenshots of your own with new files is a great idea, but is there any way you could design a system to upload new screenshots to existing files?
I'm still working on my Zelda 89 game, and something like this would really help to add new screenshots of updated features in the game, etc.
-Fil and his $0.02
14 August 2000, 02:18 GMT
Re: Screenshot Staff Starts Screenshotting Stuff
Wow, I can see the results already! Every new TI-89 program from the past couple days has been screenshotted! This is great!
14 August 2000, 04:23 GMT
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