TI-Chess v3.00
Posted by Nick on 12 August 2000, 03:22 GMT
This has been hyped since about when the TI-99 came out, and it does look like Thomas "I Rock Nick's World" Nussbaumer has made good on his many promises. 89 and 92 Plus versions of TI-Chess v3.00 are now available. The features are too numerous for the human mind to accurately comprehend at once, so read this verrrry sloooowly: - Works on all AMS versions up to v2.05 and both hardware versions. All permutations considered! Hooray!
- Grayscale graphics, tons of nifty eye candy to look at during, uh, whenever you happen to play calculator games :p
- All the rules of chess (my favorite is en passant) implemented
- Two different piece sets, sets of chess puzzles for training (lord knows I need it: I really do poorly at chess. My dad beats me routinely. It's sad.), chess clocks, a graphical menu system of some kind, and five levels of difficulty
- Written in C code and "shell-less:" doesn't require any specific shell to be run!
That's all that can be said. Download this game. Now. GO! GOGOGOGOGO!
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-Chess v3.00
(Web Page)
this game looks likeit is great. If I only had an 89......
12 August 2000, 03:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-Chess v3.00
(Web Page)
I don't think it has anything to do with that. I believe it has to do with teachers. And if several teachers agree on something, others teachers in the same school have to go along. In the school I attend in Upstate New York, nobody at all uses graphing calculators, except maybe in the really advanced AP and IB classes. This is eventhough it's a pretty high tax paying school. At the international school I attend in Vienna, I belive everyone must have at least a graphing calculator by either 8th or 9th grade, and scientific calculators are frowned on, just like graphing claculators are at my Upstate New York school. That is because all the teachers in Vienna have agreed on this. In Upstate New York, I think their afraid that they will destroy math, because they give you all the answers. I think this is not true at all, because you still have to show what you're doing on paper. I won't get any points if I just put down the answer to a quadratic equation, if I don't show work. I think acceptence of graphing calculators will increase over time, especially if more student bring them in and inform teachers about their good side.
17 August 2000, 16:44 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v3.00
alex cooke
on HW2 AMS 2.05 it runs fine but if you load on the ticpro is freezes.
12 August 2000, 03:41 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v3.00
Thomas Nussbaumer
(Web Page)
Thanx Nick. There was almost no time between uploading and being available.
And as I have seen it gots into the POTM again ;-)
Now I can go to bed "peacely" (<-- sorry for my english). Its about 4:00 in the morning here in Austria ...
Please don't answer: rest in peace .... that would be too simple ... =8-)
12 August 2000, 03:47 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v3.00
Thomas deserves his rest, him and the beta testers (I am one of them) spent a long time on this game. I espically, I tried out other special beta versions to help rid the game of the evil HW2 bug that we found. But in the end we got it fixed and you REALLY REALLY NEED TO CHECK THIS ONE OUT!!! The graphics are the best so far from the TI Chess Team. SO go Download your copy of TI-Chess 3.00 today and get to playing, cause this is best chess game out there for the TI-Calculators.
A TI-Chess Beta tester,
A.J. Franks <kaizer_911@yahoo.com>
12 August 2000, 04:19 GMT
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