News on Hewlett-Packard's Xpander
Posted by Nick on 6 August 2000, 18:09 GMT
This doesn't have very much to do with the world of TI calculators, per se, but Hewlett-Packard, the good manufacturers of my CD-R drive and my scanner, have released a tinge of info on their new calculator-to-end-all-calculators, called the Xpander (also a fine song by DJ Sasha). Here's the info, which may or may not be true (grin): - a 32 bit, 133MHz RISC CPU
- a 320x200 screen with 256 shades of gray
- true sound for reading mp3's (mmmm... drool)
- possibly a "futuristic look"
This looks fantastic. The news release is here, but it's in French. As always, one can use the Fish of Many Languages to read it. Yowza! Props to Alex Cooke for bringing this to my attention.
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Re: News on Hewlett-Packard's Xpander
Harper Maddox
(Web Page)
That doesn't really sound like a calculator to me. The screen is bigger than a gameboy, and its system is capable of playing mp3s.
6 August 2000, 18:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hewlett-Packard's Xpander
(Web Page)
I personally have never used a TI-92 or TI-92+, other than twice in geometry in 9th grade (TI-92). I own an 89, and find that the 89 is in many ways superior to the 92+, particularly in that the 89 is permitted on the SAT series of tests, but all models >88 are banned from the ACT (Anyone dare putting an 89 in a 86 case and coming up with a way to relabel the keys, without taking the keys from an 89 case?). I know someone who has a 92+, and I have seen that in games, the 92+ has a clear advantage over the 89, because of the former's wider screen. The overall layout of the keyboard of the 92(+) seems to be a bit awkward to migrate to from the 8x layout, but i'm sure it can be done. After all, I can type at the following rates on my calcs:
83: 10 wpm
85/86: 15 wpm
89: 20 wpm
these are estimates of course, but are based on prior testing.
e_of_pi and unimatrix zero's 45.59985035114 cents
11 August 2000, 02:47 GMT
Re: News on Hewlett-Packard's Xpander
alex cooke
I'll also keep on the updates. You can also email me anytime to check for updates.
6 August 2000, 18:16 GMT
Re: News on Hewlett-Packard's Xpander
Justin B
(Web Page)
It looks more like a regular computer than a calculator. I doubt it will be allowed in many schools.
6 August 2000, 18:32 GMT
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