Zeljko Juric Releases Exec Maker v1.0, Patrick Davidson and Phoenix v7.0
Posted by Nick on 1 August 2000, 05:55 GMT
My surgery went just fine (as "fine," by most standards, as exhaustive bone-cutting surgery can possibly be) and I'm quite far down the road to recovery. With that in mind, here's some crazy "news" of a "calculator-related" nature: The ueber-programmer and A89 superstar known currently as Zeljko Juric has given rise to another wonderful utility for the 89 and the 92 Plus called Exec Maker v1.0. This nifty doodle of a program allows the casual observer to convert assembly routines (short little snippets) for use as Exec() statements in BASIC programs. This allows BASIC programmers a world of freedom in their programming, as ASM becomes far more accessible to them. Download this program: it's wonderful what Zeljko has put out in recent months. Huzzah! More, um, stuff! The delicious Patrick Davidson has released yet another copy of that program he does - what's its name again... i forgot... OH YEAH! "Phoenix!" You heard of it? I certainly haven't, despite the fact that I've only written eight billion and three news items on it already. You can download Phoenix v7.0 for the 89, the 92, and the 92 Plus. I just finished downloading Windows 2000 Service Pack 1, so now I can view the documentation and see what's new. *views* Hrm, looks interesting. The delicious Patrick seems to have removed all copyright restrictions (which I think is a good thing), and many, many various bugfixes and optimizations that make his assembly skills truly "ph34rable." Smaller level sizes and that sort of stuff. Grab this update: it can only mean a world of good. :)
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Re: Zeljko Juric Releases Exec Maker v1.0, Patrick Davidson and Phoenix v7.0
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
Note that Exec statements are about twice the size of the equivalent program, and with rare exceptions, a BASIC program might as well call the assembled ASM program rather than use an exec string. Unless it's truly r33t and edits the string that it Execs. . .
1 August 2000, 06:03 GMT
Re: Zeljko Juric Releases Exec Maker v1.0, Patrick Davidson and Phoenix v7.0
Great News! Nick's back, Phoenix is updated, and BASIC programmers are given a whole new world of freedom! What's next? "TI decides to give away free TI-89 calculators to all members of ticalc.org?"
P.S. Why is delicious crossed out? Is Patrick not delicious anymore?
1 August 2000, 06:09 GMT
Re: Zeljko Juric Releases Exec Maker v1.0, Patrick Davidson and Phoenix v7.0
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
This is *so* needed it hurts to even ponder it. This was in #detacheds on efnet, of which I am an op:
<PatrickD> BlueCalx: Did your article mean to state that *I* was released by Zeljko Juric?
<BlueCalx> PatrickD: yes, yes you were
<micros> hahahah
::censored comment regarding zeljko's womb::
<micros> thats classic
<BlueCalx> okay, SMN, we know it's funny now
<SMN> ok, nick, that just killed it
<SMN> the womb comment KILLED IT
<BlueCalx> YOU WERE WRONG!!!
<YodaToad> YES I DID
<BlueCalx> YES, YES IT IS
1 August 2000, 06:13 GMT
Oops ... Bug in Phoenix 7.0
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
It seems that I released Phoenix 7.0 a little too soon. There is one serious bug in it. This has now been fixed in version 7.01, which you can get from the web page link above, and should be in the ticalc.org archives soon.
This bug only causes trouble when you use the 'Heavy Destroyer' ship, so you can be safe just by not buying that ship.
1 August 2000, 06:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Oops ... Bug in Phoenix 7.0
Sorry, maybe I should have been more clear (or maybe I am wrong?). I know that in previous versions they got smaller instead of dying, but I have noticed that often, the last guy or two will shrink, and then, for several minutes, all my bullets will just go straight through him. I have "paused" it by pressing and holding APPS sometimes, and I can see that my bullet actually is overlapping with it, but it's not dying, even if I'm using the deluxe plasm cannon and I've already appeared to hit him two or three times before with it.
1 August 2000, 20:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Oops ... Bug in Phoenix 7.0
Patrick Davidson
(Web Page)
After further experimentation, I have managed to identify and fix these bugs as well. They are fixed inversion 7.02, which is on my web page (above) now and should be in the ticalc.org archives. The causes of these problems were actually quite strange:
The "diagonal rain" is the result of the super-boss attempting to shoot at you before it is even the screen. Objects are marked off-screen by giving them coordinates of (-300,-300) so they won't possibly collide with on-screen objects. Normally, enemies would never fire while waiting to enter. But, the superboss is actually composed of two different enemies (one for each half), both of which follow an invisible enemy. Unfortunately, I didn't make them check whether they were following an on-screen object, so they would still operate as normal when in the negative coordinates, including firing. The bullets would then move through negative coordinates into the Y-coordinate reaches 0, at which point they will be drawn (the image display routine will avoid drawing an object if Y is negative) even though the X is still slightly less than 0 given the angle it is typically fired at. The X coordinate is not expected to be negative; the shifting ultimately causes this to draw well past the end of the screen, corrupting the saved memory area. This bug has actually existed since version 0.70 of Phoenix, released more than two years ago, in various forms; different memory areas were corrupted (in some cases, possibly crashing the calculator) and sometimes it caused bullets to appear from the top of the screen for no reason.
The other is also slightly unusual; when the solid spinners are destroyed, they are randomly either really destroyed, or transformed into small spinners. When they're made small, the width data is changed by subtracting two. However, when the small spinners are destroyed, the same thing happens, so that might just be made "smaller" again (the image is kept, but made 2 pixels even smaller for the overlap detection). After several unlucky cycles, the size can become less than zero, so the object is never hit. This problem is more likely to occur at higher difficulty levels, where the probability of surviving enough times in a row is much higher.
Anyway, now that *all* of the bugs are gone (I hope), on to the TI-85 and TI-86 ...
5 August 2000, 08:29 GMT
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