Detached Solutions Releases MirageOS v1.0 for TI-83+
Posted by Eric on 26 July 2000, 08:13 GMT
w00t. That's all I have to say. Wait, no it isn't. The newly formed Detached Solutions, made up of various members of the TCPA, has released both their new website and their long-awaited shell, MirageOS, for the TI-83+. What's so good about MirageOS, you ask? Well, for starters, it's a FLASH application. It contains a gargantuan number of features for both users and programmers, and supports both Assembly and BASIC programs. It even includes TI-82 emulation for Ash and CrASH. You can download this uberleet shell here or visit its home page here. In addition, a huge number of ports and new programs for MirageOS have either been released or are currently in the works. MirageOS contains a huge number of features that are quite revolutionary to TI calculators. A sampling of these is below: - MirageOS supports many different program formats, including MirageOS-specific, Ion, BASIC, TI-OS ASM, Ash, and CrASH. With MirageOS, you'll be able to run more of the programs you need from one shell.
- MirageOS gives the option of many external interfaces. It provides four built-in GUIs, but you can also have a command line interface if you'd like too. This means that you can make MirageOS look however way you want it.
- One of my personal favorites is the tasker interrupt, which allows MirageOS to perform many functions while Ion and MirageOS programs are executing. For example, you can use a hotkey to change the contrast, quit and save the game immediately (e.g. teacher key), speed up the game, and even take screenshots of programs.
- MirageOS contains excellent documentation for both users and developers. You can view its user manual here and see its Developer Notes here.
These are just a sampling of the features included in MirageOS. As you can see, Detached Solutions has obviously spent a huge amount of time on this great new shell, so be sure to check it out ASAP. Also be sure to visit MirageOS's Home Page. Congratulations to Detached Solutions!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Detached Solutions Releases MirageOS v1.0 for TI-83+
Andrew Magness
(Web Page)
Steve conviently neglected to mention that he accidentally deleted all the comments too... bummer... everyone repost please...
26 July 2000, 08:31 GMT
Re: Detached Solutions Releases MirageOS v1.0 for TI-83+
(Web Page)
This looks like a great prgm (except that i dont know how to get ti82 prgms on my 83+). I have been waiting for a program like this for a long time. Good job.
P.S. I love the password dealy thingy. Now my friends cant screw with my calc if i press on (to turn off) and leave the room.
26 July 2000, 08:45 GMT
MirageOS v1.0 for TI-83+
well... i guess since it got deleted, i'll post again... just wanted to say, this is a kick ass shell, and i give endless thanks to everyone involved in the making it :)
26 July 2000, 10:49 GMT
Re: Detached Solutions Releases MirageOS v1.0 for TI-83+
to keep it simple, good job everybody who worked to make this.
26 July 2000, 11:34 GMT
Re: Detached Solutions Releases MirageOS v1.0 for TI-83+
(Web Page)
nice job guys. I'll check it out (now that my 83+ is back in my hands (don't ask. I'm not to happy either)).
too bad I couldn't get my site up soon enough to help release it.
26 July 2000, 12:11 GMT
Re: Detached Solutions Releases MirageOS v1.0 for TI-83+
(Web Page)
This is the best thing to happen to the Community since ZShell
26 July 2000, 14:08 GMT
(Web Page)
As you may know MirageOS uses an AppVar to store user data, folder structure etc. It should be known that when MirageOS is run this AppVar is unarchived and when you exit it is archived. This writes to the flash, which has a limit of writes.
26 July 2000, 14:48 GMT
Dan Englender
(Web Page)
I think I'll just set the record straight here. First, the appvar is *not* unarchived and rearchived whenever MirageOS is run. We were very concious about keeping Flash writes as low as possible, so the only time the the appvar is written to is the first time you run the application, and when you change options. (And it's not even when you change an individual option, it's when you quit the options screen, *if* you've changed any options, that it's rewritten).
In addition to that fact, we added an option to Mirage to allow those of you worried about your flash to keep writes to flash at near zero. If you goto Miscellaneous Options and uncheck the "Allow Write-Back In Archved Progs" option, no programs will be rewritten to your archive. If you do this, high scores will not be saved in archived programs, but it will *greatly* reduce the number of writes to flash, and speed up loading and unloading time.
I hope this clears up the confusion and stops everyone from worrying about their Flash.
26 July 2000, 17:28 GMT
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