News System Updates
Posted by Magnus on 23 July 2000, 19:03 GMT
We have updated our news system with a bunch of new features. Most of the changes are "under the hood" and invisible to the user, but they should contribute to faster response times if nothing else. The most visible change is that the comment pages are split into parts when they grow large, to provide for shorter load times. Each page will link to previous and next page for navigation between the different parts.
For those linking to articles from other sites, the news article directories are now hashed, so the URL template for articles have changed. Links to our old articles will continue to work with the old address format for backwards compatibiltiy, but new articles will be in the new format.
Please answer the current survey and let us know what you think about the new format. Update (Nick): On Tuesday, I'm going to be gone for surgery. Yes, it's bad. No, it's not a life or death situation. Yes, I could probably live with it up to a certain point. No, I don't mind this happening. Yes, I'm used to having surgery. No, I shouldn't be gone long. The point: I won't be able to answer emails, AIM, ICQ, whatever - and updating this, that, and the other will be pretty much nonexistent - until I get better. It could take anywhere from three days to a week. I don't need a billion emails and/or comments and/or AIM messages telling me to get well soon, or any of that: it's really not that bad. Don't worry. :)
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: News System Updates
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
This is a test of the new, madly /<-31337 haxorrific news system Magnus made for us more insignificant people.
23 July 2000, 19:10 GMT
Re: News System Updates
(Web Page)
For us to vote, we have to see en example of this new system.
But, this is a good idea, as some of the larger survays WILL crash netscape, if loaded. (I think that the limit is 1 meg.)
But, possibly could this be a preference? You could select wether to split, and after how many messages/kilobytes.
23 July 2000, 19:36 GMT
Re: News System Updates
This is great! now it wont take 5 min to load one page. one thing, though... why cant i get to the second page of Game Ideas?
23 July 2000, 21:17 GMT
(Web Page)
When you post on, say, page 73 of an article, it says that it'll appear within 5 minutes, and then takes you back to page 1. Maybe you could use a hidden input field with the page number and a javascript function that made a dynamic link back to the page you were looking at before.
23 July 2000, 21:49 GMT
(Web Page)
what is it, nick?
wisdom teeth?
i'm getting mine out thursday :)
23 July 2000, 23:12 GMT
Re: surgery
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
My wisdom teeth happeneed last year. That was *real* fun. I posted an update on recently that quoted an update I posted last year afterward... it involves some dirty language so I'm not quoting it here :)
This year's surgery involves my nose (bet you saw THAT one coming). The septum, the bone that separates your two nostriles (actually, it's a thin layer of bone and cartilage), is kinda, erm, bent towards my right nostril hardcore. It's also bent a little further up my airway, thus causing a lot of swelling and other bad things with my sinuses and lungs. Essentially, the doctor (THANK YOU DR. LERRICK! YOU ROCK MY SUBURBIAN WORLD) is going to break my nose, then put it back the way it's supposed to be. It's done purely for functional purposes, so I can, like, breathe again. :)
Like I said before - THIS IS NOT BAD SURGERY, IT IS PERFECTLY ROUTINE, ONE OUT OF SIX PEOPLE HAS THIS. It's just gotten bad enough with me that it needs to be corrected.
23 July 2000, 23:24 GMT
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