Christopher Tremblay Releases LemmingZ for the 86
Posted by Nick on 20 June 2000, 21:13 GMT
As a young, impressionable child, there was no better way to enhance my youthful creativity and stimulate my infantile mind than to blow up tiny little green and blue men on a computer screen. As we can see, I turned out just fine from such activities. :) Back to desensitize all of us to violence and mass murder is Christopher Tremblay with LemmingZ. Written for the 86, Chris has done a fantastic job of replicating the enviroments and the original puzzles of the old-school Lemmings. It also includes a level compiler, for those happy external level writers out there. It also has one chapter for beginners. Good job, Chris! You've made at least one person proud here on the staff :)
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Christopher Tremblay Releases LemmingZ for the 86
Cullen Logan
(Web Page)
This game kicks ass! Great job. I'm sure the collision detection was a hard thing to code. I'm impressed.
20 June 2000, 21:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Christopher Tremblay Releases LemmingZ for the 86
(Web Page)
theres that Fil guy again! I swear you're posting at Dim-TI too. Because some body keeps using that sweet $.02 thing ;-)
Lemmingz. YEAH-BABY! I loved that game. (never beat it but still you know I, I kinda got a kick out of nuking the level when I messed up ;-)
and here is my annoying "to the Mac's":
TI-83 Plus
acually, keep it on the 86. it's all the same to guys like me who have: (I love flaunting this)
TI-81,TI-83,TI-83 Plus,TI-86,TI-89,TI-92 Plus, TI-30xa Solar, and of course my TI-5018.
there was one thing I was definately going to say, but I forgot when I clicked reply. duh. way ta go stevie boy...
22 June 2000, 11:37 GMT
Re: Christopher Tremblay Releases LemmingZ for the 86
Killing little blue men is what I live for! I'm partial to the sacrificial lemmings myself ;)
20 June 2000, 22:19 GMT
Re: Christopher Tremblay Releases LemmingZ for the 86
ah yes, I love lemmings. I'm going to play right now. I hope someone makes this for the 89, then I might start playing calc games again...
20 June 2000, 22:52 GMT
Re: Christopher Tremblay Releases LemmingZ for the 86
(Web Page)
I helped do some graphics and levlels, I did some of his bugtesting too. I found a big bad bug if you have ROM 1.2- it crashes badly if you try to get a second level on!
20 June 2000, 23:08 GMT
Re: Christopher Tremblay Releases LemmingZ for the 86
(Web Page)
lemmings bad. blow up all the little green guys.
20 June 2000, 23:08 GMT
Re: Christopher Tremblay Releases LemmingZ for the 86
i guess its time i got an 86 :)
20 June 2000, 23:09 GMT
Re: Christopher Tremblay Releases LemmingZ for the 86
(Web Page)
I was thinking of changing the keys for the game. (It's not official they're going to be changed) but if they do, I'd like to have some input as to which keys would do best to improve playability.
21 June 2000, 02:36 GMT
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