Tex v0.2.0 Alpha by Guillaume de Vivies and Loic Minier
Posted by Nick on 25 May 2000, 23:25 GMT
Aside from the initial shock of a French programmer actually claiming their file, Tex v0.2.0 Alpha is pretty neat. Designed by Guillaume de Vivies and Loic Minier as a front-end to Teos (but it should work on any shell), this looks pretty nice at first glance. It includes many file and folder functions, support for passwords, a real-time bench (whatever that is), and battery level detection. You can snag this fine spec-o-mine for the 89 and the 92 Plus.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Tex v0.2.0 Alpha by Guillaume de Vivies and Loic Minier
Whoa, cool. I'll have to check this out.
25 May 2000, 23:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Tex v0.2.0 Alpha by Guillaume de Vivies and Loic Minier
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
To actually upload *and claim* a file on ticalc.org go to the url above.
You cannot - CANNOT - simply upload a file and expect us to add it. You MUST fill out this form.
If you haven't done so, then it's clear that you haven't:
- read README.upload on the FTP site
- read how to contribute files to our archives.
Before I can do anything for anyone, the file(s) need(s) to be in our archives.
Please understand that I'm a nice person as long as you learn to follow directions.
I don't mean to discriminate against French programmers, and I don't think I've ever done that in the past, but on the whole I sadly admit that French programmers, on the whole, are the ones who don't follow the directions we clearly state on the site.
We'll be updating these soon to reflect the changes we've made to the process, such as adding the file upload form.
To conclude, I *WILL* gladly post anything you darn well please, as long as you're willing to cooperate. It's the part of the author(s) to make sure that they fulfill their end of it - by actually showing me their stuff and what they can do.
Now, in case you want it re-stated, in easy-to-understand English, here it is:
- Go to the (Web Page) link that I put at the top of my comment.
- Fill out the form in full. Upload separate files for each calculator (i.e. if the file is for three calculators, upload three differently named files). Use the same information for all three.
- Use your real name as you want it to appear for all posterity, because once you're a part of authinfo it makes it quite hellish for us to change things.
- When you have everything filled out, click Submit and, if you want me to consider it, email me. I'll usually look at a program if it's just been added, but this gets my attention more easily.
Unless you're philring83 or from SiCoDe, or you have something _truly_ revolutionary, please don't email me for BASIC. It will be promptly deleted.
I read all my emails. You might not get a response, but I _read_ _all_ _of_ _them_.
If I can get your (and everyone's) cooperation during this, then everyone will benefit in the end.
26 May 2000, 15:20 GMT
Re: Tex v0.2.0 Alpha by Guillaume de Vivies and Loic Minier
Why have all these shells for the 89 been coming out as of late? Brain, pct, this one...I always thought doors explorer was great. Quick to access(UP-ON) and with enough features and a small file size (81?? bytes) That it was pretty darn good. Brain had a built in picture viewer, sure, and pct had those good plugins, and I havent personally tried this one, but I think we need to standardize on one shell, and move on to programming utilities and games for the 89, but still update it of course. But hey, everyone has there favorite, and it would be a good poll "What's your favorite shell for the 89?" and I would like to see the results of that poll.
25 May 2000, 23:47 GMT
Re: Tex v0.2.0 Alpha by Guillaume de Vivies and Loic Minier
Do French programmers usually not claim their files? Hmm. I'll have to check this one out. TEOS is a step ahead of Doors =) Is this by the same authors?
25 May 2000, 23:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tex v0.2.0 Alpha by Guillaume de Vivies and Loic Minier
(Web Page)
The second part ? Concerning French students being able to use and program graphics calculators ? There are no restrictions for us. Graphic calculators are fully authorized in France. And french programmers are very actives.
Concerning the ratio, it depends wether you're talking about Z80 calcs or 68k calcs. Concerning french Z80 programmers, Clement Vasseur is the only one I know so far. But concerning 68K programmers, I can assure you that they are very numerous : TeOS, DoorsOS, UniOS, TIGCC, for example, were made by french peoples. A lot of cool games, like SF2T, Supercar, SolarStriker, Sonic, Bigdyna (mine :)), were also made by french peoples. Not to talk about the recent adaptation of the famous SNES game Mr Nuts, once again "forgotten" by ticalc.org (whatever the reason is), and a lot of other stuff I'm forgetting. Yes, this may be the reason for the great number of news on ti-fr.
28 May 2000, 01:08 GMT
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