Feature: A Modest Proposal
Posted by Nick on 5 May 2000, 01:24 GMT
Our next somewhat late (*g*) feature is written by Ben Kalafut. It talks about what TI should include in their next calculator (or calculator update :P). In my opinion, he makes some good points and some I don't quite agree with (or they aren't vital to the functionality of said calculator), but it's still worth a read and some frank discussion of opinions. So let's do just that. Many (many) people have complained about TI's "actions," especially since after Hardware 2.00 and AMS v2.03 came out for the 68K calculators. Talk amongst yourselves - as usual, I'll try to offer any input I can. I have owned three different TI calculators, and I have run into frustrating "brick walls" in the use and programming of each one. I use my calculator for math and sciences; I have no real interest in gaming or getting my calculator to make sound or bit-mapped graphics. Yet sometimes, the calculators are just as useful as a Gameboy. Even the "powerful" TI-89 and 92 don't contain what I would like to see in a graphics calculator/computer algebra system. Symbolic manipulation is a nice feature, certainly, but programming all but the most elementary routines becomes time-consuming or impossible. Texas Instruments should probably put out programs to perform Fourier, Laplace, and Z transforms, partial fraction decomposition, tensor mathematics, functional analysis, etc, but they do not do so, and apparently, no third parties are interested. The problem, in my opinion, is that Texas Instruments considers the graphics calculator to be merely an educational tool. This is evident in the software applications which are written, and the nature of their press releases and advertisements. TI does not seem to recognize the (potential) utility of their calculators to researchers, college students, mathematicians, and professionals. Some improvements which I would like to see on a hypothetical calculator which TI would put out to replace the 89 are: 1) True updates. I expected a boost in functionality between AMS 1 and 2.03, and all that seemed to occur was an improvement in memory allocation. Extending the function library from time to time would be nice. 2) A faster processor. The 68000 can certainly handle numerics well, but seems to bog down on all but the simplest symbolic operations. 3) Ability to define a function with multiple outputs. For example, a Gaussian elimination decomposition should return both the reduced matrix and the "O" matrix by which one may multiply the original to change it to the reduced form. 4) A true 3-D engine. It is nice to be able to enter functions of two variables, but one should be able to view three-dimensional plots obtained from numerical methods of problem solving, view three-dimensional data plots, or plot space curves parametrically. 5) Vector field plots, Poincar‚ return maps, improved slope and direction field applications. 6) LaPlace and inverse LaPlace transforms. 7) Partial fraction decomposition. 8) Improved ability to program new symbolic functions. The "part" function is a step in the correct direction but is neither sophisticated nor specific enough to be truly useful. 9) Ability to handle tensors. 10) Ability to enter strings, matrices, lists, etc as elements of lists or cell arrays 11) Ability to overload user-defined functions, so that they may return either symbolic or numeric answers, for example. Also, the ability to input fewer than the specified number of parameters to a function and not get errors. These are just a few suggestions. I'm sure that those who are more advanced in mathematics than I have many more. I don't expect TI to come out with a calculator that does everything that Maple or Mathematica do, but by focusing too much on secondary education it is neglecting a potential market. TI or a third party should also put out a compiled language for the calculators. I'm impressed with TI-GCC, but TI, having a team of professional programmers, could probably develop the standard libraries and even more powerful interaction with the calculator's built-in features. TI also has the muLisp language, and could possibly release a version for graphics calculators. Another thing that has struck me is the poor quality of programs in the math and science archives. A lot of the programs do things that the calculators already do! Additionally, many have poor documentation and terse interfaces. User-friendliness is not a major concern. Neither is standardization or development of syntaxes which make sense to anybody but the user. For the sake of consistency I have been writing my programs so that they either state, clearly, what should be input (rather than specifying a variable name), or in the case of those for the 89 which take inputs from the command line, do so in an order and syntax which follows that of TI's built- in libraries. The graphics calculator has great potential as a mathematical tool in the classroom, the lab, and even in the professional world, but it will never realize that potential until Texas Instruments chooses not to focus strictly on the secondary education market and programmers (perhaps at the expense of gaming) develop better, more powerful, more consistent mathematics and science software.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Feature: A Modest Proposal
Dana Skinner
I was wondering if someone knows a site that I can download a Laplace transform and inverse to a TI-86.
16 January 2004, 19:52 GMT
Re: Feature: A Modest Proposal
Will H.
Your points are very valid. Though I work with a TI86 only, I am constantly frustrated with its lack of the use of complex numbers for inputting into funtions and such. I believe your proposal for a more powerful processor might have some problems. Often times the more powerful it gets, the more strain it will put on the batteries. Not to mention the heat it might give off either. But I agree that a 68K processor probably isn't sufficient to perform more of the complex algebraic fuctions. The TI Community should petition Texas Instruments to redress its wrongs :-)
5 May 2000, 01:34 GMT
Re: Feature: A Modest Proposal
(Web Page)
I don't know even half the functions of my 89, but for what I do (Algebra 2), it's a little TOO advanced (Classmates refer to it as "Hey, can I borrow Jesus?"). The Ti-83 that I have serves it's role pretty well, considering what it's meant for. I think the processor on the 89, is plenty fast, what's the use of paying for a few seconds difference in symbolic calculations, with hours of battery time?
I have to wonder... Do any Ti-Executives check up on the latest things going on in the Ti-Programming Scene? Like, does the VP of Consumer Satisfaction ever visit TiCalc.org? Even if they do, WHY don't they choose to acknowledge that the Ti-XX's can be much more than an educational tool. If I were in charge of some important division of TI's Calculator department, I'd make the most of the company's products. The overall big question we should be asking them is:
5 May 2000, 01:45 GMT

Re: Re: Processor
My good old Commodore Amiga 500 had a MC68000 too, and it ran with only 7.14 MHz. There were many really good lookin' 3D-Games in the 80's and early 90's which ran really fast (Someone here knowing F29 Retaliator, or Epic, Gunship 2000 or Robocop3?). They didn't use any coprocessors, because the Amiga had only 2D-Custom-Chips, so the 68000 is abled to produce nice 3D-Graphics. Not as nice as modern PC-Games, but nicer than the poor TI92 3D-graphs, which cannot handle more than +/- 15 polygons without beginning to change into a slide-show. A few weeks ago, i saw a nice assembler-3d-routine on my TI92 Plus which was much faster than TI's one. I hope they will rework it and bring out a flash update.
So long, AMIGA forever and greetings from Germany, Marco
8 May 2000, 15:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Feature: A Modest Proposal
Honestly, I am not convinced parents succeed in "not buyng their child another toy" with purchasing TI calcs. See how many games are around, then some large amount of simple office tools (calendars, various viewers...) and then the simple programs people make to learn programming, but they only repeat work that dozens of people have done many times before. Most people really don't get further with their programming skills than that, so even these program writing attempts are just playing with the toy.
Personally, I am right at that stage of just beginning to do something more useful than deSolve(x"=0,x,t). My first attempt will be creating a medium scale dbase of all undergraduate physics. Tables and keywords, so that I don't need to keep in mind laser interference on grating or proper form Clausius equation all the time, if I only need it twice a year. For this I thought I would first learn Study Cards or some other simple db software available - but some functionality (engine in the calculator, while data can be sucked from a notebook upon request) has not been implemented yet as far as I know. Well, either I really do something about it, or the TI-89 remains just an expensive toy.
My point is that it's about us, buddies, what we can get from our black boxes, the TI may suck from marketing up to SW development, still we can have great tools. We only have to make them. No use saying that "somebody should do something about it". Period. I agree with the featured text, many of those things would be nice to have around. But we, the college scientific and engineering candidate, really form (guessing) ~5% of the market, whereas SW development of integral transform tools etc. is more expensive than those spreadsheets and text/picture editors/viewers altogether! Hey, I got an IDEA: let's build another kernel on our own! Someone's praised the old Amiga drawing speed, Mathematica and MatLab are what we want to get - the link is set.
Grin :o> 4 Danny
12 July 2003, 13:18 GMT
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