TI-Chess v2.00 Released
Posted by Steve on 11 April 2000, 17:43 GMT
Thomas Nussbaumer has released version 2.0 of TI-Chess. Among the new features are new graphical menus, multiple save slots, noticable speed increases, the addition of new skill levels, more rule options and more. You can get a copy for the 89 and the 92 Plus.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: TI-Chess v2.00 Released
hai nguyen
I just want to commend Thomas on yet another spectacular release. I love every bit of the new improvments, especially the "train your brain feature". Oh and the menu kick a$$!
11 April 2000, 17:58 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v2.00 Released
I'm looking for a programmer who may help me out with some programming stuff for TI-Chess 3.0. The important things I need for now are compression/decompression routines which are compatible with the TIGCC environment (inline ASM or pure C - doesn't really matter). The size of both routines shouldn't exceed 2-3kB.
And BTW: If there is someone out who may help in improving the endgame capabilities, please contact me.
11 April 2000, 18:30 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v2.00 Released
Gatien David Gillon
(Web Page)
Nothing to do sorry ...
But I was wandering I quite new to TI programming but as I look at all the 3d Engines for TI-89 or Ti-92 something appear there all based on raytracing an Z-Buffer wich is quit expensif in CPU ressources why haven't any of you (TI programmers) tryed some different such as Portals wich I think would enable the engine to be much faster and offer the oportunity to devlop real 3D games... As an exemple I could take Doomling a Fast 3D game runnig on the PalmPilot (TM) and using a portal engine...
11 April 2000, 20:52 GMT
Re: Re: TI-Chess v2.00 Released
The only true z-buffered engine I can think of is 3DLib, and that's only just now being used and is quite snappy. ASM based 3D modeling libraries are quite fast, as opposed to a C one. Check out the torus demo for prosit(better yet, run two at a time!), and you'll see these cpus are quite powerful when properly coded for. Raycasting is what you're thinking of, and is actually more complex, but is faster, than true z-buffering. Really, there is no other way to simulate 3D without lots of complexity... and before dashing off to argue, what is Portals?
If images were raytraced, it would take forever for it to appear (a PC can raytrace a 320x240 image in about 2 seconds, depending on complexity, to give you an idea).
12 April 2000, 01:22 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v2.00 Released
Matt Hockenheimer
TI-Chess is great. Other than a text reader, it's the only assembly file I keep on my calculator (out of the constant fear that my HW2 calculator will crash, erasing all the notes I type into it, a problem I've never had with TI-Chess). Great job!
11 April 2000, 22:15 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v2.00 Released
Hieu-Trung Le
(Web Page)
This new chess version is great, except are you going to release one that will work under Doors OS explorer? Since that will be great because i don't have to run it using the VarLink menu...
11 April 2000, 23:43 GMT
Re: TI-Chess v2.00 Released
I think more games should be written in C like this and Aerox were. It seems to me it is much much more universal (seeing as how it runs on both hw versions and rom versions, or so I'm told).
12 April 2000, 01:49 GMT
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