Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5
Posted by Nick on 19 March 2000, 02:02 GMT
Rusty Wagner of ACZ has released Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5. New features include bugfixes, support for AMS v2.0x, support for .89u and .92u backup files, and other changes to skin support. Check Rusty's page out here. Confidential to Scott Tagge: Approximate number of people who recognized me as a member of at the Science Olympiad regional: zero. I owe you a dollar :)
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5
Steve Whittaker
(Web Page)
Nick, I must say that if I were in Chicago, and I was at the regional competition, I would have recognized you as being a member (tm).
Congrats on being able to go to states.
Last year I was a member of my school's science olympiad team, and I 0wned battery buggy, coming in 2nd nationally. (4th in Road Scholars and 7th in Surf the Net)
Science Olympiad 0wns everyone.
19 March 2000, 05:04 GMT
Re: Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
Illonois has regionals for Science Olympiad? Here in New Jersey we've only got states. . . (ok, no wisecracks about the smell necessary)
Ours is Tuesday. Our school leaves BEFORE the awards - that's how bad we are. Won a 5th and a 2nd last year, and that's it.
Two years ago, on our middle school team, we can in LAST in all but 6 events (new teacher didn't know what he was doing).
There was one trial event where they gave use 2 index cards, 8 straws, 4 paper clips, and told us to make the tallest thing we could that can hold a 60-gram weight. It was redicukous and just a trial event which didn't count, so I just put them all in a pile which I KNEW couldn't hold the weight and left. I can in 6th, one away from an award =)
19 March 2000, 08:21 GMT
Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5
(Web Page)
Winning Science olympiad Regionals around here(New Mexico) is a joke. Not very many schools have what it takes to get first. Socorro (both High and Middle) Get first and second every year. What is really hard is the State competition, there we have to go up against academy(rich bastards) and usually, we lose by some small amount of points. This year it was 4.
Anyway, good job on VTI, perhaps I'll d/l. I doubt it.
19 March 2000, 07:39 GMT
Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5
Jeff Meister
(Web Page)
To all those looking for calculator ROM's to be used with VTI, go to this address:
Or click on the URL below my name. This is a temporary site, I don't know how long I'll keep it there, so go there fast. Sorry about the appearance of the page, I made it in a hurry. Happy program testing!
- Jeff
19 March 2000, 17:59 GMT
Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5
(Web Page)
Well, in my case, the EMU is more functional than my calculator. For some reason, the new Zelda demo works fine on VTI, but the screen appears garbled on my calc! (83 v1.10). I only wish the progs would work on my calc, oh, whatever could the problem be?
19 March 2000, 19:15 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Beta 5
Kenneth Arnold
Huh? X. Vassor (Doors guy) said that the M68k didn't have a protected mode. So who's wrong?
And anyway, remember that VTI is based on the MAME, which provided the CPU emulation. Any flaws in that aren't Rusty's fault (and besides, you shouldn't be using instructions that aren't there, should you -- but then again, your assembler would have to know about them in order to let you use them (normally), so something's wrong. Maybe there was just a bug in your program :-).
Speaking of M68k's, when are we going to get a Linux kernel for the dang thing? (Support is there for the m68k processor itself; and architecture stuff should not be that hard, because there is not that much architecture, period (linkport, LCD, RAM, flash ROM, keypad, and..., and..., what else?).
So what if you can't run anything on it -- just being there would be a big start :-). Actually, there is quite a bit of memory on the 89/92+, enough probably for kernel, a shell (bash?) shared libraries, and _maybe_ a really stripped down gcc... forget about X (unless one calculator was an X server and the other ran the clients, and they networked over the linkport -- cool? Enlightenment WM for my calc :-).
Okay, this post is much too big. See ya.
23 March 2000, 00:53 GMT
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