The Legend of Zelda: The Test of Courage v0.08
Posted by Nick on 16 March 2000, 05:07 GMT
Sam Heald and Harper Maddox of The Void Productions have released an unbelievable new program called The Legend of Zelda: The Test of Courage v0.08. This game features incredibly smooth animations, dialogues, and support for the 86 under YAS. You can talk to people, push signs, move blocks, slash plants, use a sword spin, reset the game, etc. etc. etc. The features are too numerous to mention here, especially with homework I still have to do. This program's size is rather big (~16 kilobytes) but it's well worth the space it takes up. This version is for the 82's CrASH shell. Update (Nick): Sam and Harper have ported Zelda to the 83, for AShell83. Download it here.
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Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Test of Courage v0.08
Sam Heald
(Web Page)
To clarify one thing, this is NOT the final version. This is just a demo. The final game will not even be called "Test of Courage". Do not ask for a port because the demo will not be ported to any other calculators.
The FINAL version will be availible on all z80 calculators. Oh yeah, visit Void Productions ;)
16 March 2000, 05:14 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Test of Courage v0.08
Jason Kovacs
(Web Page)
Dont say stuff that you are not completely knowledgeable about, that tends to mislead people.
There is a limited on the amount of Executable Code that an asm program can have on the 83+, which is 8K. If the PC (Program Counter) goes into the second logical Rampage (or the physical address of $C000, we are not sure), then the calculator will crash.
A program can be above 8K in total size, however the last portion that exceeds 8K can only be Data, not code to be run. I am sure that Loadrunner takes effect of this by putting all its data (sprites, text, etc) into the end of the source.
I still think the 8K limit of Executable code is not acceptable, and Zelda fails to work on my 83+ because of it, so a method is attempted to be discovered on how to truely break this programming barrier of the 83+.
17 March 2000, 09:35 GMT
Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Test of Courage v0.08
(Web Page)
horray, another zelda program....sorry sam, i am just bored.
16 March 2000, 06:54 GMT
Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Test of Courage v0.08
Harper Maddox
(Web Page)
was it just me or did the disclaimer on the file state that the game should only be kept on void productions. Now that it is on it is likely that it will show up at random places.
16 March 2000, 07:06 GMT
Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Test of Courage v0.08
Bengt Werstén
(Web Page)
I think that you (Nick) should check if works I don't think so, by the way it looks like it's going to be a rocking game Sam/Harper keep the good work up.
16 March 2000, 07:51 GMT
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