SiCoDe Software Releases Nibbles Arcade v1.0
Posted by Nick on 4 March 2000, 19:21 GMT
SiCoDe Software, the founders of *dun dun dun* Basmic, released an interesting little game yesterday. A download for the 83, Nibbles Arcade has three different ways of playing: one where you have to make it through fifteen levels collecting pieces of food (a'la the original Nibbles), one where you have to collect as many pieces of food as possible on one level, and one where you go head-to-head against AI(!) to collect the food faster than the computer does. These three different modes of playing make Nibbles Arcade a rather interesting game, though it is still incredibly slow. :( I'd like to see these different modes available in an ASM game soon. It's a very good idea. :)
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life is beautiful...
(Web Page)
the ai is very cool idea...and what's so wrong with basic you demand an asm version?
4 March 2000, 19:37 GMT
Re: SiCoDe Software Releases Nibbles Arcade v1.0
Whether you hate or love BASIC, you gotta admit that SiCoDe continues to make the absolute best-quality games possible with the limitations of the language...just take a look at their homepage. Great job, SiCoDe! If only they would program assembly too...
4 March 2000, 19:39 GMT
Re: SiCoDe Software Releases Nibbles Arcade v1.0
I know this is TOTALLY off topic, but I like it when NICK post News Items. Really. He makes them special, and "Quote" funny.
*dun dun dun* from this News Item
That's a Bad Thing(TM). from the other News Item
Look in the Newsletter.
"Last evening, at approximately 3:51 AM GMT, troops seized control of Nick Disabato's bedroom and placed him under arrest for crimes against He was promptly executed without trial...."
Sorry, but I find it soooooo funny.
Anybody who responds to this, please e-mail me it also.
4 March 2000, 21:09 GMT
Re: SiCoDe Software Releases Nibbles Arcade v1.0
Brandon Green
(Web Page)
SLOW!!!, for a BASIC game I think that this runs incredibly fast. Ok, the AI part is very slow but everything else is fast!! You just have to anticipate your move a little, its a little like playing Jet Force Gemini, you have to try it a while before you get good at the control.
Has anyone un-locked all the cheats yet?
If you can beat the sixth level, you get the code for extra lives.
Brandon Green
SiCoDe Member
4 March 2000, 21:36 GMT

Re: Re: SiCoDe Software Releases Nibbles Arcade v1.0
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
I hate to be picky here, but here goes.
*takes deep breath*
To me (and most other people), ASM programs have set the standard for what I expect out of a programmer/program. I expect it to be fast; have clean, nice graphics; and a great entertainment factor.
That's right. For a game to be good, it has to be _ENTERTAINING_. What a crazy concept! If you don't make a game that keeps people wanting to play, your program won't be as popular.
I know that seems like an obvious concept, but apparently it's not clear to some people. ASM has done that SO well. In fact, if it weren't for ASM programs being so routinely entertaining and playable, BASIC programs wouldn't get close to gaining the kind of popularity that they have in past months. Games like (to name a few) SMQ, ZTetris, Repton, Insane Game, etc. have gotten me addicted to calc gaming more than once.
Because these games are interesting, unique, and entertaining. With a few exceptions, many of them are minimalist in their graphical approach. Insane Game is simple shapes; ZTetris is blocks, patterns, text.
If you have a game with a three second response time between the time you press a button and the game responds to your keypress, maybe there's something wrong. Maybe you should cut that time down so things can go as quickly as possible and people won't lose based not on the skill of the gamer but the lackluster fashion in which the game was coded.
BASIC was not designed to be a gaming platform. The TI was not designed to be a gaming device, and it probably never will be. It's programmers - like SiCoDe - who do the impossible (or at least improbable) on a platform where the medium was never intended that I admire.
I admire SiCoDe's work ethic, their determination, and their ideals; but in order for their views to be held valid, they have to create games that are EQUAL to ASM.
And to me, they haven't done that yet. But they've come damn close.
4 March 2000, 22:16 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: SiCoDe Software Releases Nibbles Arcade v1.0
Nick Disabato
(Web Page)
1) By them "working," I mean they get their point across to the audience, thus entertaining said audience and causing them to tell friends, who download said game and distro it further.
2) Hence the "WORST CASE SITUATION" above. I've used many games like this. Half a second is just as bad, but it wasn't as dramatic an example.
3) And it's still not as fast as most ASM games, which is how I base my standard. I'm not alone, either; many programmers base their programs off the speed and efficiency of ASM. With graphlinks getting increasingly cheaper (US$17 in Chicago), the demand for BASIC programs will get less and less as more people acquire the capability to send ASM programs to their calculator.
Understand for a moment that, in order to compete with comparable ASM programs, you MUST get over the places where BASIC is lacking. Speed is one of them.
I don't doubt that it's one of the "fastest and best;" I do doubt that it's fast enough. I don't set the standards for how good a game has to be, but I know what those standards are.
4) If a game is entertaining, it MUST be fast. Graphics are secondary. Functionality over content.
5) Would a 3-D golf game be entertaining? Probably, but only when created properly. If it sucks (re: FPS clones for the calc), people STILL WON'T USE IT!
Nibbles does not suck by any means. It's a great game, and it's programmed very well. I hope you understand that. But it still won't be as entertaining as its ASM equivalent because of the lack of speed. ASM programs do not take time to load. ASM programs do not take time to render a title screen. They just render it, and you go on with playing the game.
Keep these things in mind. I understand that programming the killer app in BASIC can be an ambitious task and that you just can't get it better.
Maybe that means that BASIC is not the place for TI games to be programmmed.
4 March 2000, 23:43 GMT
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