Orzunoid v7.0
Posted by Nick on 8 February 2000, 03:23 GMT
Werd. That's right, folks. Werd. With that out of the way, I apologize for the lack of news recently. I've been living it up at the almost toxically luxurious Palmer House downtown for the past five days/four nights while attending the MUNUC conference. During this time, I didn't even load the front page of ticalc.org! During this time I went through at least sixty-three instances of massive withdrawal; but now that I'm getting (slowly) back into the swing of things, news items should be churned out in the classic Disabato style (aka as irregular and sporadic as possible). Now that you've heard this week's update on my personal life, here's some actual CALCULATOR STUFF! *gasp* Sam Heald, calculator God and member of The Void Productions, has updated Orzunoid to v7.0 for what seems like every calculator on the face of this green Earth. New features: external levels(!), an on-calc level editor, increased speed, a decrease in the size of the program, and a version for the delicious Ion shell. Download Orzunoid v7.0 for the 82 (Ash), the 83 (AShell83 and Ion), and the 83 Plus (Ion). Download OrzEdit v1.0, the external level editor, for the 82 (Ash), the 83 (AShell83 and Ion), and the 83 Plus (Ion).
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Orzunoid v7.0
What in the world is Orzunoid, I've never heard of it before. Is it cool?
8 February 2000, 03:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Orzunoid v7.0
Sam Heald
(Web Page)
On the subject of power-ups, one of the upgrades that was made to Orzunoid v7.0 was the equalization of power-up probabilities(if that makes any sense at all, probably not). In previous versions, I decided that, in the interest of game difficulty, the cooler power-ups like the lasers or multiball should occur less frequently than the bad ones (100 point, 50 point, catch, brickthru). Now, you have just as much a chance of drawing a 100 pointer than you would lasers. This combined with increased speed creates a little bit more of a fun, arcade-like gameplay IMHO.
SHAMELESS SITE PLUG: Please go visit the Void Webpage (void.calc.org) and check back often. Derrick and I are currently revamping the site, and we would really like some feedback on it. From now on, we are going to be posting daily updates. Next weekend is going to be huge for the Void (hint, hint). No, we're not going to be releasing Zelda. You'll have to wait and see.
8 February 2000, 04:22 GMT
Re: Orzunoid v7.0
(Web Page)
Hey the game is great! Have you all noticed that when you do not whine at the programmers, that they do nice things Like Sam and Derrick did? Do ethier of them Own an 83+.....nope, but they took there time to release a very nice program w/lvleditor for the 82/82/83+ community.
BTW: The new site looks good!
8 February 2000, 04:23 GMT
How bout 86?
When will 7.0 be ported to the 86. I know I can use YAS, but I'm sick of using an additional 5k of ram :)
8 February 2000, 05:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How bout 86?
Please don't take offense to my comment and don't take it too seriously either...
Here's an idea for your first assembly game: "The Adventures of 83 Man...Episode 1: Quest for Supremecy." It's a side-scroller, maybe in grayscale to show off the power possible in an 83...it's also available for the 83 Plus. In it, you select your character, a walking TI-83 (Plus) with a snappy attitude. Stomp on enemy TI-85's, 86's, 89's, 92 (Plus)'s, higher calc braggarts, and 83 flamers to literally crush your opposition in your quest to become the most popular calculator around. Power-ups: Collect batteries to keep your calc powered up, collect ASM games to increase your calc's popularity meter, and collect ION modules and Flash Upgrades to expand your calc's usability. Secret bonuses: score an extra 1000 points if you find the legendary 82/83 SOS emulators. The end boss: look out! Almost every other calc has combined forces to create the menacing TI-85868992 PlusPlus+! TIP: Destroy their link ports, and you destroy the calc. In the end, you can prove that the 83 (Plus) is the most user-friendly calc, is not just for newbies, is not "crappy", and best of all, has the greatest menu system! Level editor included.
10 February 2000, 01:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How bout 86?
(Web Page)
Thats pretty funny if it wern't for the fact that this comment gives gamebeggers that say the 83+ sucks the upper edge. Of course let me finish.
The injured 83+ gets up and drives a link cable right through the z80 processer of the 82 killing it, the 83+ then goes to its creaters (ti) and gets a new screen. TI also upgrades the 83+ to basecode 2 "Now I ready to fight the evil calculators", said the 83+, the 83+ then teams up with its family member, the 83 and gathers up a gang of 83+s and 83s and struts down the street, until they meet the hp gang, they then fight driving link cables, graph links, etc. through the hearts of the evil hps. The ti was able to shatter the infered on some of the hps rendering them helpless. The 83/83+ gang then start up ION running the teacher virus, the hps think they won until the ti gang jumps up knocking the batteries out of the hps and wins. All the ti's go to radioshack an purchase 4 rechargable AAA batteries for everyone, celebrating in their victory. THE END, or is it
It would be interesting to see how long this string goes continuing the story.
15 February 2000, 23:47 GMT

Re: Re: How bout 86?
Sam Heald
(Web Page)
The posting guidelines are very clear about "no flames" and "no port requests." Shame on you both. That being said, you're both a couple of geniuses because Orzunoid has been availible on the TI-86 since September of '97. Somebody (Jonah Cohen, I think) even wrote a level editor for it. Furthermore, if you really wanted to prove your high IQ's, you could download the superior TI-85 version which has grayscale and other cool add-on external levels and run it with an emulator.
As for the comment about emulation, use it. Emulation is one of the greatest features on a TI-86. 5K required for YAS is only slightly more than 5% of your total availible RAM, and it's a very small price to pay in order to play cool 85-only games like Dying Eyes, Deadalus, McMik, etc. Not too mention all of the TI-82 games, many of which do not have an 86 counterpart. Now with ion86, you can play some 83/83+ games, too (I say some because none of mine work as far as I know)
10 February 2000, 01:37 GMT
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