Gooey 89 and GIDE Delayed by h4X0r
Posted by Nick on 31 December 1999, 00:05 GMT
Many of you have seen the posts on assembly-89 concerning h4X0r and his development - or the lack thereof - of Gooey and GIDE. Lots of you emailed or IM'ed me and h4X0r with your concerns. Since I just got home less than a half-hour ago, I'm going to post as much info as I can on the matter. Here is the IRC log of me talking with h4X0r at about 4:30 PM CDT. It also contains a forwarded email of the posts by h4X0r and Scott Dial of the TCPA that started the whole mess. Props to Rob Smith for taking his time to forward this to me. More information will come soon. Please read all of the IRC log after reading the email; it helps to answer even more questions, though I still doubt their validity. Update (Nick): Alright. Two friends of mine (who choose to remain anonymous) have given me proof beyond a reasonable doubt that this is a total hoax. I have posted a rudimentary copy of GIDE. The readme reads as follows: "Do not distribute this, it still has a few bugs and code thats not mine :) --h4x0r" Also note that this program bears a striking resemblance to SynEdit. Another person has made some annotations to h4X0r's screenshot and given them to me; I have posted them here. Once again, I apologize to everyone for the confusion and the problems that have occurred over the past few days.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Gooey 89 and GIDE Delayed by h4X0r
first comment.. lol. i had to do that
anyways.. this sux but hopefully it will be released soon.
31 December 1999, 00:12 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Gooey 89 and GIDE Delayed by h4X0r
Will Dempster
(Web Page)
I was not referring to scott with my remarks. I was referring to some of the other pitiful lamers that are quick to criticize others work when themselves don't program. I will not mention any names in this instance, rather the person should realize that it is him or herself without my having to say his or her name. With that out of the way here is the real purpose of my posting:
We all make mistakes. From reading the two irc chat logs the other one can be found at the url in the header of this post, I have seen that the one posted on is inconsistant with the one at tigalaxy. The one at tigalaxy shows the real account of the whole ordeal.
Also, as I previously stated, we need to encourage h4x0r to finish this project. As for the concerns as per the gide interface let this be said. I can make a similar interface in about 4-5 minutes using Visual Basic Professional. I haven't personally been able to see the src to this program to compare it to SynEdit or whatever it is accused of pirating. Once again we should be encouraging rather than condescending on the matter.
I have noticed a trend in the TI community lately, and I have been a part of it for a little over 3 years now, that is that non-programmers are quick to judge the work of programmers. This is particularly exhibited with regards to Bill Nagel's Super Mario Brothers on the TI-86. When it was released last fall, instead of sending the necessary praises to Bill, gamers/l4m4hs said that it sucked when it was actually a revolutionairy game, that built on its prediscesors SQRXZ and Penguins. After receiving too many LAMER emails, Bill stopped programming for TI calculators. Bill brought so much to the TI-Community, but it was all lost because of a few lamers who can't appreciate someones programming skills. Lets hop this doesn't happen in this case.
PS- I hope this comment is not deleted because it addresses some valid points as well as some criticism.
31 December 1999, 04:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Gooey 89 and GIDE Delayed by h4X0r
Charles Yong
There is such a thing is a Jealous programmer you know. But we'll never know who it is yet.
I'll make several statements first off. or whatever, Nick I think and whoever else started this is definitely a pessimist. You go argue about that, you'll figure out what I mean eventually.
Second, if this is a hoax, H4x0r is the jealous programmers, jealous enough to fake a great program to bring attention to himself.
If this is NOT a hoax and he can really pull this off, then Nick is the jealous programmer who couldn't stand somebody else making a program this cool so he framed H4x0r to draw attention to HIMself.
That's that. When Gide is release, then it'll be released. If it's not, then it won't. And you can't say, "Oh, H4x0r is trying to delay the program, it MUST be fake" remember, Starcraft was delayed by almost a year or two, Plane jump never release a release date. You can't accuse those programs of being fakes just as you cannot do so with this program.
31 December 1999, 04:44 GMT
Re: Gooey 89 and GIDE Delayed by h4X0r
(Web Page)
I also don't think it will be released. If you take a look at the message board and the IRQ Log and the Email to ME it appears that it will not be released. I however don't know if it is/was a real program under real development but I do know this:
That either this is a false project that was never being made that was a chilish attempt to get in the TI spotlight.... or....
It was a project gone bad. That someone out there was trying to create something new and unique that when he tried to do so, many questions were left open and WE jumped on his case.
I am not supporting h4X0r nor am I condiming him all I am saying is that to me it appears that now (even if this project was fake) these two programs will not come out!
31 December 1999, 00:54 GMT
Re: Gooey 89 and GIDE Delayed by h4X0r
The ticalc site was just completely unaccessable just a few minutes ago... And at that same time, h4x0r's site was also missing. He had a few files left, but they soon dissappeared too.. Strange things are happening...
31 December 1999, 02:37 GMT
Re: Gooey 89 and GIDE Delayed by h4X0r
well, his page is down again, probably down for good now...
31 December 1999, 02:40 GMT
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