Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
Posted by Nick on 23 December 1999, 06:48 GMT
Scott Noveck and Niklas Brunlid have apparently fixed the problems with grayscale on hardware v2.00 calculators. Scott sent me an email with some instructions on how to use these (along with a lot of disclaimers and such) - attached were the libraries. I packaged them all into neat little .zip files (with the email as documentation) and voila. You can download each file here: Gray4Lib for the TI-89 Gray4Lib for the TI-92 Plus GraphLib for the TI-89 GraphLib for the TI-92 Plus Here's the email. Enjoy! :-) From: "Scott Noveck" <> To: "Nick Disabato" <> Subject: Grayscale for HW2 Date sent: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 00:12:37 -0500 Here ya go - no need to put my name in the HEADLINE, of course (and wherever you put it, also mention Niklas Brunlid), but here's the relevant info: graphlibHW2.89z - graphlib for HW2 graphlibHW2.9xz - _exact_ same file as above, but renamed to .9xz gray4libHW2.89z - gray4lib for HW2 gray4libHW2.9xz - _exact_ same file as above, but renamed to .9xz Some quick notes: 1.) These should ONLY be used on HW2 calcs - HW1 calcs should keep using old libraries (they CAN use these, but the old versions are faster and flickerless). To check your hardware version, go to the home screen and choose About from the Tools menu (F1) - if it is not specified, then the calc is HW1. 2.) These flicker a lot. Understand that this is hopefully only a temporary fix and is NOT the same method used for greyscale on HW1. Due to hardware limitations, it's a lot slower and will flicker - a small price to pay to get the stupid thing working. 3.) Most, if not all, programs using these greyscale routines should now work fine, minus a little flicker. 4.) gray4lib source is included for programmers using their own greyscale routines. tios::PortSet is undocumented, but it is called as PortSet(*DUP_SCR+4, WORD x2, WORD y2) and causes all tios routines to draw to the buffer at DUP_SCR with coordinates (0,0) through (x2,y2). For gray4lib: Author - David Ellsworth <> Porter - Rusty Wagner <> Porter - Scott Noveck <> Porter - Niklas Brunlid <> For graphlib: Author - Xavier Vassor <> Author - Cédric Couffignal <> Porter - Scott Noveck <> Porter - Niklas Brunlid <> - Scott (too lazy to submit these to the archive normally)
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
(Web Page)
Am I the first comment? Hope so.
All I can say is that it's ABOUT TIME. I haven't looked at them yet, but it's still nice to see some people working on the problem. Now if they can only fix Sonic Misadventures...
Kudos to all those great people! Saints in my opinion!
23 December 1999, 07:00 GMT
Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
David Phillips
(Web Page)
Great job Scott and Niklas!
23 December 1999, 07:03 GMT
Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
Jonah Cohen
(Web Page)
Heh I really feel sorry for all HW2 owners, but I'm glad that they'll at least have a "temporary" fix such as this to make grayscale games playable. It's a shame TI made such incompatible calcs under the same name, especially after advertising that you'd never need to buy a new calc because of flash rom upgradability.
23 December 1999, 07:05 GMT
Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
Finally, grayscale suppprt. Not fair though: Now hw 2 users get gray and the additional memory of AMS 2.03.
I always got grey on my hw 1, but I want my additional memory.
23 December 1999, 07:17 GMT
Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
Samir Ribic
(Web Page)
Mmmmm? Where is this source code?
23 December 1999, 07:36 GMT
Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
math boy
Can I now run kernel version 0.6 and actually successfully play AMS 2.03 games? I have hardware 2.00
The only problems were the libraries?
Do I still need to do the launch thingy?
23 December 1999, 07:50 GMT
Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
This is great, just in time for Christmas. Now I'll have some games to play Christmas morning.
23 December 1999, 15:16 GMT
Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
Patrick Wilson
(Web Page)
Welp, good news for, you 89 users =)
I am accessing this from school believe it or not, on a crappy iMac :/
We're having a party in biology and we get to do basically whatever we want.
23 December 1999, 16:07 GMT

Re: Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
(Web Page)
Macs are so slow when connected to an at-ease network. And some idiot believes "Virtual memory takes too much hard disk space, so let's disable it!" I have found that a G3 on an at-ease network is slower than a Macintosh LC on a different network. (And to make matters worse, my school finally realized and fixed the bug that allowed programs to be run from floppys or documents panels!) But iMacs are an abomination, they are not only slow, but have Internet Exploder built in, and are missing the break, printscrn, Insert, Home, End, and even the frequently used Del button! (The school has a hidden supply of gray graphlinks BTW)
23 December 1999, 16:45 GMT
Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
(Web Page)
I don`t know much about calculators, but is Grayscale possible on the TI-83 PLUS.
If not, Why Not?
23 December 1999, 17:27 GMT
Re: Re: Grayscale Possible on Hardware v2.00!?
Philip Ringsmuth
(Web Page)
From what I understand, Greyscale involves flickering pixels on and off very quickly. So basically, on the 83, you'd put a "picture" on the screen or whatever, and blink it on and off very fast to make it APPEAR to be grey.
The 89's 68K processor can handle this flickering much, much better than the 83's Z80 processor. The most greyscale I've ever seen on the 83 was three or four shades, I'm not sure. There was obvious flickering, 'cause you could see it 'blink' every now and then as it's flickering. Whereas on the 89, some games run on up to eight shades of grey, and don't flicker at all.
23 December 1999, 17:49 GMT
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