Fission2 Labs Releases Schematics For RadioLinc
Posted by Nick on 26 November 1999, 03:09 GMT
Fission2 Labs has released preliminary schematics for their RadioLinc. According to the page, RadioLinc can link two calculators together using RF UHF frequencies. The device is very small and schematics are available on the site. It should cost between USD $25 and $30 to make a pair.
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Re: Fission2 Labs Releases Schematics For RadioLinc
(Web Page)
I am in need of some programmers to program chat and email programs for the RadioLinc, please let me know if you can help!
26 November 1999, 03:30 GMT
Re: Fission2 Labs Releases Schematics For RadioLinc
Andrew Magness
(Web Page)
Amazing!! This is awesome! Great work!!
26 November 1999, 03:32 GMT

Re: Re: Fission2 Labs Releases Schematics For RadioLinc
(Web Page)
Thanks! I am so excited about it also, just think, you can email your girlfriend in math class, while she is in Science, or even at home, heck, maybe even the internet at some point?? The possibilities are endless!
I promise I will make better schematics next time, I have Professional CircuitMaker and TraxMaker software to make these with, and I will provide more detailed instructions soon, I am just so busy working with it.
26 November 1999, 03:38 GMT
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