2008 POTY Results
Posted by Michael on 6 February 2009, 22:57 GMT
The results for the 2008 Program of the Year competition are now released. Congratulations to all POTY winners and all 2008 featured program authors! Hopefully we will have a larger contest in 2009.
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Re: 2008 POTY Results
Those are some cool programs, but why aren't there any for the 83/84?
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6 February 2009, 23:02 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 2008 POTY Results
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
Because nobody released TI-84+ programs worth a feature from Dec 1st 2007 to Nov 31st 2008, altough I think they could have solved the issue by featuring old programs that should have been featured before, like xLIB, Contra 83 and Robot War for the TI-82.
Most worthy TI-83 programs are still under developpement and I don't expect them to come out before the end of 2009. Among that there is F-Zero 83+ (Omnimaga), Project M (Omnimaga), Zelda (Revsoft), BBC BASIC (MaxCoderz), Desolate in 8lv grayscale (MaxCoderz), Robot War 2 (United-TI), Celtic III (altough seeing xLIB never got featured I doubt Celtic stands a chance, considering it's an update to the discontinued xLIB project)
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7 February 2009, 17:58 GMT
Re: 2008 POTY Results
Kevin Ouellet
(Web Page)
I kinda expected Ultima to win due to all the features in it and it has been ages since a RPG got featured, congrats to Ranman but also congrats to Lachprog for being featured
And finally congrats to TI-Freakware programming team for their 2nd POTY award in a row.
Off-topic: Seeing results were posted so late though (Feb is a record I'm sure x.x), why next year wouldn't this be taken as an advantage and have voting start in January instead of mid December so December programs of the same year can also participate instead of having them wait for next year? Just a suggestion
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7 February 2009, 01:28 GMT
Re: 2008 POTY Results
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
Sadly, at this rate of featured programs, it may be time to switch to POTD (Program Of The Decade). :-(
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8 February 2009, 05:59 GMT
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