TI-Nspire Updates
Posted by Michael on 21 January 2008, 02:37 GMT
TI has made some important updates to the TI-Nspire series. Samuel Stearley reports that a new version of the operating system (1.3) has been released for both the Nspire and Nspire CAS . This version contains significant improvements such as a program editor and accordingly the first real programming capabilities yet. The new programming editor features syntax checking of lines as they're written, and many other things. There are also other additions to the operating system involving documents and library functions. All new features can be found in the updated guidebooks for the Nspire and Nspire CAS, available on TI's website.
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Re: TI-Nspire Updates
(Web Page)
Anyone know if you can program assembly for this thing yet... i think that's gonna be the key to programming it, cause then we can implement all those experimental virtual machine java things that people made for the ti89 on the cas that runs at like 90+ mhz... or do we gotta wait years for people to reverse engineer the os... zzz i want one anyway :P
imagine... programming in lua... or better yet, a stripped down c# + .net framework via mono... lol that would own no doubt :P
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31 January 2008, 22:04 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-Nspire Updates
Brandon Wilson
(Web Page)
1. Yes, it's really that hard. We can of course run any 83+/84+ assembly, just no ARM assembly. We have no access to the Nspire's memory, except the part of the Nspire filesystem where the 84+SE's memory is stored (in a series of files).
2. No, nothing is accessible from the 84+SE keypad. It's complete emulation of the 84+SE, so no, there's no way to gain access to the rest of the calculator.
How the OS is able to manipulate some parts of the Nspire's hardware (such as turning on/off, USB, etc.) is through a series of traps, which are special opcodes that, when run, the emulator will intercept and take control, and do something you ask of it, like writing to one of the files that holds the 84+SE's memory, messing with the USB controller, etc. There are a lot of these, and the non-USB ones are mostly unknown. They seem to have no effect when directly executing them, but there's no telling what they really do without having access to the Nspire's unencrypted ROM.
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5 February 2008, 03:44 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-Nspire Updates
Brandon Wilson
(Web Page)
I could've sworn I already replied to this (it might come through later), and I don't feel like typing what I typed earlier, so I'll just say:
1. Yes, it's really that hard. You can't just jump to Nspire code, it's completely hidden from the z80 emulator.
2. No, nothing is accessible from the 84+SE keypad. You can execute emulator traps which tell the emulator to do something, like write to the files in the Nspire filesystem that contain the 84+SE archive, lock the keypad, mess with the USB port, and stuff like that. They're very simplistic and likely not exploitable (although a couple are).
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5 February 2008, 04:13 GMT
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