Doom89 Released
Posted by Michael on 16 December 2007, 18:33 GMT
Aaron Miller has created a calculator clone of the much-beloved original DOS game Doom. Doom89, powered by the FAT engine, is available for the 89, 92+, and V200. The game attempts to as accurately as possible duplicate the original Doom experience on your calculator, and it does so very well with 32 levels and all of the abilities, weapons, and strafing that you would expect in Doom.
Update: A new version has been released with some improvements.
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Re: Doom89 Released
Excellent job getting your game featured! I don't normally play calc games but I might dig up my 89, install TI connect, and put this on my calc
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18 December 2007, 04:31 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Doom89 Released
Aaron Miller
"And for the multiplayer: if the imps, monsters, etc. can be moved not-randomly, both calcs can give the same information, if only the players situation (position, weapons) need to be sent to other calc to calculate which monster died for 2 players. This would not waste too much time at all."
The problem with your idea is this, it'd take a whole lot more processor time to give the monsters set patterns. The semi-randomness that it does have, makes the game run faster than if the enemies were a little smarter. They will follow you and attack you if you try to just run away from them as it is right now though.
Sending the positions and states of all the enemies currently in play and having the other calc respond to this in turn would be a big slowdown as well, if both players can effect the same set of enemies, like a co-op game, then that means both calcs have to keep track of the states of the "shared" set of enemies, and the other player's effect on them.
"For the map: can you put a 'switch to another screen' map like the original doom?(instead of drawing on right strip of screen) that would be great, and more convenient.
Anyway, cool game :) I voted doom89 for POTY 2007"
I appreciate the vote :)
The map system that I have currently worked out works like this;
You press enter, and the game is paused, and the map shows up in front of what the player is looking at, then when you press a key, the map disappears, and the game continues. So if you get lost, you bring up the map, get your bearings, and continue.
The map also shows where the doors are and gives you an idea of which doors you should go through to get to certain places.
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24 December 2007, 05:20 GMT
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