ticalc.org Tests Ads
Posted by Magnus on 27 November 2006, 20:51 GMT
In order to deal with the possibility of increasing hosting costs and ever-increasing bandwidth needs, ticalc.org has decided to make a trial run with ads on our website. The reason for this is, obviously, to make enough money to pay for the bandwidth being used.
We will attempt to employ the ads in a way that's not intrusive in general. Please let us know your thoughts on the survey to the right.
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The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: ticalc.org to trial ads
James Koch
(Web Page)
That is what I always liked about ticalc.org, all calculators and no ads...
Well, my opinion is switch to a cheaper domain name service, or really up the "need" for donations...
The ads just don't look right on this website!
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27 November 2006, 21:00 GMT
Re: ticalc.org to trial ads
Christian Frießnegg
How high are the current running costs?
Is sponsorship enough to keep ticalc alive?
Probably a donation-campain would help to keep the systems up for a while...
Is money a SERIOUS problem for ticalc?
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27 November 2006, 21:04 GMT
Re: Re: ticalc.org to trial ads
Magnus Hagander
(Web Page)
It's not today, but it's getting to be. The main cost is the bandwidth - the usage we have goes above most small, medium and large hosters. You need to go to more "enterprise hosting", which means a lot more money per month.
Given our userbase, we have serious doubts that donations would be enough to keep us going, which is we are doing this as a trial. But again, remember that this is a *trial*. If it doesn't work out good enough, and/or doesn't make enough money to matter, we will take them down again.
Oh, also, if you have any specific suggestions of ad placements that are bad, or that we should use instead, during this trial, please let me know via email, and we'll consider making those changes. After all, we're definitly not here to make the site worse...
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27 November 2006, 21:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ticalc.org to trial ads
If you did that then no one would port games to their calculator. Many people who have ported games ported them because they saw them for a calculator other than their own, then ported to their calc. Segregating calculators would keep different calculator owners separate, and less porting would be happening. The only way I could see the site splitting without losing too much porting is if there were only 3 categories: z80 calcs (73,82,83,83+,84+,85,86), 68k calcs (89,89T,92,92+,v200), and other programs
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29 November 2006, 00:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ticalc.org to trial ads
Well, you'd start with synthetic division. Possible factors of this 3rd-degree polynomial are +/- 1,2,4,8
I'd start with 1 and -1, and see if those were zeros. Once I found what one factor was, then I could tell what type the other zeros were (real, repeated, complex) and use the quadratic formula to find them. Technically, you don't need a calculator for this operation. . .
But I know I am frequently very dependent on my 84+SE even for basic arithmetic. . . :-)
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30 November 2006, 06:43 GMT
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