More TI Contests
Posted by Michael on 26 June 2006, 15:19 GMT
Just like last year, TI is offering several contests on, their promotion site for the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. The infamous GraphiTI contest is back and is now open to both teachers and students. Hopefully there will be less vote stuffing this year. There is also a $8,400 scholarship and an essay contest available.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: More TI Contests
Spencer Dubya
(Web Page)
Hey Zarel, thanks for the heads up, I really appreciate it. I'm definitely game this year, and hopefully I'll have a bit of community support too. I went for the $8400 scholarship too, as I'm starting college this year and really need the money.
(For those that don't know, I made the image Zarel linked to in Photoshop, but much to my dismay, there was no upload form on the site. We found out that all entry participants had to use TI's cheap Paint knockoff to create their designs. So after much debate, I went forward with the contest, trying to copy over Tux (see link). It took close to two and a half hours, and what I didn't know at the time was that there was a short server-side session timeout. So when I hit "Submit", the design wouldn't go through. I tried it again, and it didn't work. I got pissed, bugged TI about it, and finally got to talk to their design team, who eventually determined the session timeout to be the problem. So I went ahead and submitted some real simple design that actually went through. Then to try to compete with the vote-stuffing undeserving winners (if you saw their designs, you'd wonder how they got two votes.) was impossible. So I just ended up rooting for Peter and DarkAuron who I knew and who had really good designs.)
I'll have to think of something new this year, but I do like the STS-109 idea...
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27 June 2006, 16:39 GMT
Re: More TI Contests
(Web Page)
Less vote stuffing? From the rules (see link above):
> Visitors to the Website may vote only for one (1) design form each category during the Promotion Period.
Sounds like that's what they want too. One can only hope that they're cool enough to put technical countermeasures in place as well as legal ones.
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26 June 2006, 16:12 GMT
Re: More TI Contests
(Web Page)
I say we have our own sub-contest, and we choose a submission we all like, and then we do a little vote-stuffing of our own, for the winner!
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26 June 2006, 16:16 GMT
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