68k POTY Voting, Round 1
Posted by Michael on 7 December 2005, 17:57 GMT
As we did last year, the voting for the 68k Program of the Year is being split into two surveys. Currently we have put up the first survey, containing the alphabetical first half of the featured programs for 2005. Go vote now!
Next week we will run the survey containing the other half of the 68k programs. Then the top programs from each survey will be combined into a final round of voting that will determine the winner. Be sure to visit ticalc.org often so you don't miss your chance to vote.
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Re: 68k POTY Voting, Round 1
Good luck to all the awesome 68k programs!
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7 December 2005, 18:28 GMT
Re: 68k POTY Voting, Round 1
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
Here's a list of the program names with authors and "affiliation" (the forum they're mainly on):
Air Mission: Vincent Corfdir (Ti-Gen, username: Orage)
Astrosmash: David Randall (TICT HQ, username: Ranman)
Atomic Arena: Link: Vincent Corfdir (Ti-Gen, username: Orage)
ClosedGL: David Teitlebaum (neutral) (*)
Corridor 99: Jeff Wilcox (TICT HQ, username: Kimbett)
FlashZ BomberMan: Flavien Racine (yAronet, username: FlashZ)
FreeFlash: Olivier Armand (neutral, username: ExtendeD) (**)
gb68k: Ben Ingram (TICT HQ, username: MastaZog)
grav: bobti89 (Ti-Gen, yAronet)
Hawk: Olivier Givaudan (Ti-Gen, username: Nul)
Kirby's Quest: Krzysztof Rodak (TICT HQ, username: krodakus)
M4r10: Jean-François Geyelin (Ti-Gen, username: JfG, Jyaif on TICT HQ)
(*) I'd definitely not vote for this one, closed-source static libraries are just asking for compatibility problems later on! It's definitely not encouraged or supported by the TIGCC Team. Static libraries have to be rebuilt sometimes for ABI changes in TIGCC itself, compatibility with newer calculator hard- and software etc. (For example, Xlib and GraphX are essentially useless these days.) The static library mechanism is intended to save compilation time, not to let you keep your source secret.
(**) What makes FreeFlash interesting is that V200 and Titanium FlashOS support in TIGCC would be essentially useless without it.
PS: TICT HQ / TIGCC message board rulez! But I'm not telling you what to vote, am I? ;-)
Reply to this comment
7 December 2005, 19:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 68k POTY Voting, Round 1
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
No, it's saying: We reserve the right to move on with technology. Given that source compatibility is maintained, building your program with a new version of TIGCC is just a matter of recompiling. (Even the TIGCC 0.6 example programs still work (though one needs a #undef jmp_buf to work around a name conflict which was unavoidable because of ISO C compatibility)!)
We assume that people using TIGCC are developers who use source code. Closed-source libraries ARE NOT and WILL NEVER BE supported. DON'T use them, if you get screwed by binary compatibility issues, it's your own damn fault for using closed source. Static libraries need to be recompiled from time to time. Static libraries are precompiled only to save compilation time, not to allow you to hide the library's source code.
Now if you still feel like whining about binary compatibility breakage, complain to TI, not us, they've caused far more breakage (requiring a recompile or patches like the Voyage 200 Executables Patcher or GhostBuster) than TIGCCLIB ever did.
Reply to this comment
14 December 2005, 19:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 68k POTY Voting, Round 1
Vasantha Crabb
(Web Page)
I happen to be a professional full-time developer. I make my living this way. Open source might be a noble ideal, but the fact is, a lot of businesses would never make money that way. IP protection is important. I work hard, and I expect something to be able to feed my family at the end of the day. Open source also create a huge support burden when people expect you to help them with modified versions of your software.
And before you bitch that I've never worked on open source, I've contributed to ytin (ytin.sf.net) and other projects, and pretty much built e606iokit (e606iokit.sf.net) by myself. Of all the e-mails I get about open source software I've written, 99% are pure bitching. Almost no-one wants to contribute, but everyone thinks I have an obligation to implement their pet feature, or fix their pet bug. It's a frustrating experience that doesn't help anyone in the end.
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14 December 2005, 21:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 68k POTY Voting, Round 1
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
> I happen to be a professional full-time developer. I make my living this way.
But not on calculator software, do you? I wish anyone trying to make a living out of calculator software good luck, they'll need it. And IMHO trying to make a living out of TIGCC static libraries is just insane, so that's really not a good reason to make them closed source.
> Open source also create a huge support burden when people expect you to help them with modified versions of your software.
I just tell them to use my official version or get lost.
> Of all the e-mails I get about open source software I've written, 99% are pure bitching. Almost no-one wants to contribute, but everyone thinks I have an obligation to implement their pet feature, or fix their pet bug. It's a frustrating experience that doesn't help anyone in the end.
While you're not entirely wrong, your whine about binary compatibility is part of the problem, not the solution. It's "bitching" for a "pet feature" too.
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14 December 2005, 22:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 68k POTY Voting, Round 1
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
Well, what skills I have a use for:
* documentation maintainer(s) -> please coordinate with Jonathan Holbrook,
* a Delphi coder to maintain TIGCC IDE and tigcc.exe -> mostly keeping stuff up to date, not much work, but you need Delphi 6 or higher installed and probably some (at least basic) Delphi experience,
* C++/Qt coder(s) to help me out with KTIGCC (TIGCC IDE for KDE) -> needs Linux, Qt, KDE, some Linux development tools (I'm currently using Anjuta and Qt Designer), preferably some Qt experience (though I don't really have any and I still get along by looking up stuff in the docs), and most importantly you'll have to coordinate with the other coders (currently just me, but at least one person already offered help),
* possibly some plain C stuff or even on-calc C/ASM stuff (TIGCCLIB) too, to discuss per e-mail.
Reply to this comment
12 December 2005, 18:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 68k POTY Voting, Round 1
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
You can:
apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
to get the main KDE packages installed. You'll probably also have to fetch a few "-dev" packages, and the "qt-assistant" package. They should be all in the Ubuntu repos, at least in "universe".
You'll also want to register for a free SourceForge account so I can give you CVS access.
As for TiLP and TiEmu: if you're running Ubuntu on an x86 machine, you can try to run alien on my binary RPMs. I'm not sure how well it will work (the main problem is that while the files and the pre-/post-install scripts are converted, and while an attempt at adjusting file locations is done, some stuff still assumes a Red Hat setup; there may also be library incompatibility issues, there's no way I can guarantee that my binaries run on anything other than Fedora Core 4), but it's worth a try.
If alien doesn't work or if you're trying to install things on Ubuntu on your PPC Mac, then you won't be able to get around building from source. But if you want to develop software, you'd better learn how to get compilations working anyway. ;-)
Oh, and one thing I should warn about: KTIGCC assumes KDE or at least Qt all over the place, so you won't easily be able to port the existing code to Cocoa. At best, you can try to #ifdef in the use of Cocoa dialogs instead of KDE ones (maybe just using the Qt classes will work, AFAIK Qt uses native dialogs everywhere except on Linux), but you won't be able to get rid of the Qt dependency without rewriting everything, and getting rid of KDE would also mean rewriting all the syntax highlighting support, which is based on the Katepart. The best course of action to get KTIGCC working on OS X quickly will probably be to target KDE running on the native Qt/Mac (not Qt/X11).
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13 December 2005, 16:05 GMT
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