PreOS v1.0.4 Released
Posted by Michael on 2 November 2005, 01:22 GMT
The latest version of PreOS, 1.0.4, has been released. PreOS is everyone's favorite kernel for the 68k calculators. Notable is the new PreOS Developer Version which includes the source code as well as a TI-89 emulator for the TI-89 Titanium. The developer version notwithstanding, this is just a minor update though.
Since Jon put my name in the latest survey, I wish to inform him that we're still waiting for that LATE newsletter. My TI-81 isn't getting any younger you know.
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Re: PreOS v1.0.4 Released
When you talk about the TI-89 emulator for the TI-89 Titanium, do you mean that you're adding a TI-89 Titanium emulator for, such as VTI, TiEmu, and etc? Sure, I would have ROM-dumped my TI-89 Titanium to my PC, but... not sure how it works (not that I'm sharing my ROMs with everyone else here, but for myself to see if the "real" TI-89 Titanium actually "works together" with the REAL TI-89 Titanium, if you know what I mean. I've never used PreOS, but I wonder what it does. It sounds good, though.
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2 November 2005, 04:54 GMT

Re: Re: PreOS v1.0.4 Released
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)
The TI-89 "emulator" in PreOs is not really an emulator, that's just PpHd's marketing speak. It does 2 things:
* fake the values of some RAM_CALLS. Mainly, CALCULATOR is set to 0 rather than -1, which IMHO it should be in the first place (TIGCC sets CALCULATOR to 0 for the Titanium, it's the only way to keep source compatibility; you can use HW_VERSION to check for the Titanium if you really have to, which also makes more sense because the few differences between a TI-89 and a Titanium will also most likely affect a HW3 V200 if TI releases one).
* automatically patch programs (without asking!) so they run on a Titanium (and ONLY on a Titanium, and in some cases only on the exact ROM version you're running!). This is not a problem if the program is archived because it then patches only a temporary copy, but if it isn't archived, it's a serious issue. I did all I could to try to convince PpHd to remove or change this misfeature, but once he has some idea in mind, he never relents from it, no matter how bad it is. :-( GhostBuster is a much more reliable solution, given that it never patches anything without you explicitly asking it to. As for the ROM version dependence, it's caused by a RAM_CALL hack which is done in a much cleaner way in Iceberg (but again, he refused to implement it the proper way).
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2 November 2005, 13:02 GMT
Re: PreOS v1.0.4 Released
Wy does everybody likes preos so much? Don't tell me you use it to execute your programs...
I use icons for my programs on my desktop with id (integrated desktop). Thats much more fun.
I just took the time to create icons for all the programs i often use, even basic progs. And now i hardly use any explorer program like preos.
If so many of you are to lazy to create icons maybe someone should put up a file with a few hundred icons for the lazy-ones among us. I already got 100. just ask :-)
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2 November 2005, 20:35 GMT
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