Emu8x Released
Posted by Jon on 30 October 2005, 17:07 GMT
Michael Vincent has released "Emu8x," a new emulator that emulates the TI-82, 83, 85, 86 calculators. What makes this new emulator unique is that it is designed to run on the TI-83+ SE/84+/84+ SE calculators, as opposed to running it on your computer. You can now choose which one of your favorite Z80 calculators you would like to run, and now be able to run it anywhere you go! The included manual provides lots of information for setting up and using the many features of Emu8x.
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Re: Emu8x Released
(Web Page)
This may be the one reason that pushes me over to buying that 84+SE I've been wanting. I've seen this on the Upcoming� page on DS's site, and it's certainly a breakthrough.
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30 October 2005, 17:30 GMT
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