Seeking a Few Good Players for Air Mission
Posted by Michael on 3 September 2005, 03:59 GMT
Vincent Corfdir has released a new game for the 68k calculators. Air Mission is available for the 89, 92+, and the V200. It is a novel action game where you fly airplanes to either bomb the enemy or drop paratroopers. The actual gameplay is of course more complicated than that, with ten missions and air battles with helicopters. Just stop reading this already and start drooling at the graphics on your calculator.
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Re: Seeking a Few Good Players for Air Mission
Rodney Blythe
(Web Page)
It is about time that a great fighter jet game came out for the 68k calcs. Outstanding job Vincent Corfdir!
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3 September 2005, 04:38 GMT
Re: Seeking a Few Good Players for Air Mission
Anthony Loven
(Web Page)
Awesome work! Is there a reason I have to hit '4' twice to exit (first time, the screen simply redraws)
I'm running a non-patched Titanium with AMS 3.10 (shouldnt matter that im using a Titanium since he programmed in C and GCC makes it cross-compatible)
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3 September 2005, 23:38 GMT
Re: Seeking a Few Good Players for Air Mission
(Web Page)
Thank you very much for compliments.
To complete the first mission, you have to bombard 4 building : some radars stations. But this buildings are well protected that's why you will need to progress slowly by returning from time to time to the airport for reloading bombs, fuel, ...
It's normal that when you are in the game, you have to hit two time on "4" to exit : the first time, it leads you on the "beginning" of the game.
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4 September 2005, 07:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Seeking a Few Good Players for Air Mission
Anthony Loven
(Web Page)
I beat the game. It was awesome, though I have a few things on my mind:
* For some reason, the game plays fast when i first run it, but randomly later it becomes three times slower! The only way i fixed it was backup all files, resend the OS, then put stuff back. It worked fine again. :-/ Not very convienient, maybe something happened from a different program, I will try to figure it out.
* Some of the missions were hard to figure out. Maybe a more detailed breifing?
* YOU CAN CHEAT! YES! If you run out of fuel, simply make sure you are at top of screen and hold UP arrow, and you will (slowly) float forever as long as you hold the button.
* If you dont cheat, its almost impossible to win. Its physically impossible to make it to some places without running out, even just going straight :-/
* Also, since the briefings arent too specific about 'what' and 'where' to bomb, i sometimes keep going over endless ocean. There should be a warning about the end of the level, or a radar that changes depending on the objective in relation to the plane.
Otherwise, AWESOME game!!!! It would be cool to see some (optional) bg sprites in the back! Great Work!
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6 September 2005, 00:41 GMT

Air Mission!!!!
Wow! Awesome work on this game! I am definately impressed, and I'm not easily impressed. Some things I think might make it better:
* At the start, put a title screen. That will make the whole "pressing 4 twice to quit" easier to understand, because pressing 4 once would just go back to the title screen.
* I think the radar thing that blinks west or east should show whether the current objective is west/east in relation to the plane, not in relation to the airport. Thus, in level 1, the radar would change and blink on the right side if you flew too far past the radars, and would blink in the center if you are currently flying over them, etc., and after the radars are destroyed, it would blink whatever direction the plane you hafta destroy is from you.
* About the "cheat" that someone talked about, I don't think it's actually a cheat, nor is it necessary. If you notice, it is the fuel gradually running out, and after a while, you WILL go down.
* Make the loading at the airport faster. I know it's there for the realism, but -- it's just too long. It's not like making it shorter will change the game's difficulty or anything. It'll just make it easier for impatient people like myself to get to the meat of the game.
By the way, I know this seems like a lot of bad things, but I really truly love this game and I think it's awesome. Keep up the great work!
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8 September 2005, 00:09 GMT
Re: Seeking a Few Good Players for Air Mission
An excellent game. Rather hard though, until I realized (a) 'West'='Left' , and (b) that you can go back to the airport. Absolutely beautiful graphics!
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6 September 2005, 01:15 GMT
Re: Seeking a Few Good Players for Air Mission
(Web Page)
Thank you very much every body for compliments which makes me truly happy, and for every suggestions, which have been listended. I will do my best for the next release.
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10 September 2005, 10:13 GMT
Re: Seeking a Few Good Players for Air Mission
wow! makes me wish I had something other than an 83+ :-(
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24 September 2005, 00:10 GMT