Flavien Racine Releases TEXAS Fighters
Posted by Michael on 7 February 2005, 05:09 GMT
Flavien Racine has released v0.1 of his new fighting game, TEXAS Fighters. Requiring neither a kernel nor any external libraries, TEXAS Fighters is a traditional Mortal Kombat-style game. This is still a beta release, but it already includes the basic fight moves, three combos, and multiplayer support. But even better, the entire game was written in pure assembly language. Hopefully this will blossom into a classic as it progresses in development. One last note: About 50 KB of free RAM is required for it to run.
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Re: Flavien Racine Releases TEXAS Fighters
Brady R. Mayes
(Web Page)
I guess this is a little off the subject; but is it possible for TF's linking code to communicate with a Z80 machine? It was supposedly possible with ZTris's code but it was never ported to that platform. If anyone ever made a linked Z80 version of TF I'd be the first in line. :)
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12 February 2005, 06:56 GMT
Re: Flavien Racine Releases TEXAS Fighters
Brady R. Mayes
(Web Page)
All this talk of graphics reminds me: how did they draw that amazing background?!!? Was it imported or hand-drawn?
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14 February 2005, 05:37 GMT
Flavien Racine --- TEXAS Fighters
(Web Page)
You guys, get back on the topic please...
Anyway, I have found a minor bug in the game. Occasionally, if you KO the enemy while moving left or right, then your player won't do his two-fingers up victory stance thing, and will instead keep trying to walk in that direction. In this case, the KO sign never appears and the only way to stop this is to quit the game with Escape. (KO'ing while moving is only possible, sometimes, if you KO the enemy with a fireball). Besides this, I love this game! I have version 0.2, which is available online (Google it.) It a minor control change.
Anyway, I also saw an animated GIF that offered a level titled NONE that was just a blank screen. Why was this removed? I think this would be interesting.
Lastly, anyone know what the numbers under the character names are when you are choosing a character?
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16 February 2005, 03:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Flavien Racine --- TEXAS Fighters
(Web Page)
Okay, I've discovered a way to easily encounter this bug, if you didn't believe me before...
1. Make sure the AI is off
2. Push him all the way off to one side of the level (so you can't push him any further because of the invisible wall)
3. Bring his health down to 1% or 2% or something in that range
4. Go to the opposite side of the screen
5. Launch a fireball (back, down, forward, punch)
6. Before the fireball hits the guy, start walking in either direction
7. When the KO sign shows up, your character will still be walking and you will not be able to advance to the next round.
*If you cannot reproduce this for whatever reason, I have included a .gif animation of this, feel free to click the link above to see it.
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18 February 2005, 02:26 GMT
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