Grav Released for 68k Calcs
Posted by Michael on 20 January 2005, 03:29 GMT
There's a new game out for the 68k calculators (89/92+/V200), but Francophobes will have to sit this one out. Grav is a great game of guiding a ball through obstacle courses while gravity adjusts, or something to that extent. It's completely written in French. This screenshot demonstrates Grav on a harder difficulty setting - all of those little "X" sprites on the screen are moving.
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Re: Grav Released for 68k Calcs
Sebastian Schmied
There isn't too much text in the game, so I translated it for myself :)
But as said before, you really don't need to speak french to play it. All you need to know is that "jouer" means "play".
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20 January 2005, 19:46 GMT
Re: Grav Released for 68k Calcs
Whoa. Bonne jeu. It's a cool game, and I can say that in both languages (I'm Québecois ;) ) and it's useful for the booooooooooooring periods. I can also translate the front page as well, but only the objects the other person couldn't translate. It says "...and also different traps (spikes, "fans", jumpers, inverse gravity)"
I double-checked that.
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1 February 2005, 22:21 GMT
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