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Ranked as 3213 on our all-time top downloads list with 8706 downloads.
Ranked as 2856 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 10 downloads.
Ranked as 226 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.33.

Filename grav.zip (Download)
Title grav
Description Grav is a game with simple purpose. You are in a 2D world with gravity, handle a ball, and you have to reach the end : A (Arrivée in french). The only problem (there must be one) is you have to avoid spikes and other traps (jumpers, fans...).
Author bobti89 (bobti89@aliceadsl.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 278,594 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jan 5 18:52:33 2019
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Michael White
Reviewed on 2005-12-15
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

“Grav” is an awesome game, and it is very addicting. The basic premise is that there is a ball that obeys the normal laws of gravity and inertia, but there are different tiles that influence the game. There are tiles that push the ball away from them, tiles that bump the ball away, and spiked tiles to avoid. The large variety and the 110 progressively more difficult levels make it a very addicting game, a combination of puzzle, strategy, and reflex.

Graphics: 10/10 Very nice looking.
Difficulty: 10/10 Something for every skill level.
Overall: 10/10 This is a must download for anyone with a 68k calculator.

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
grav/bin/english/grav.89z   24365
grav/bin/english/grav.9xz   24365
grav/bin/english/grav.v2z   24365
grav/bin/english/gravcfg.89t   111
grav/bin/english/gravcfg.9xt   111
grav/bin/english/gravcfg.v2t   111
grav/bin/english/gravlvl.89y   28698
grav/bin/english/gravlvl.9xy   28698
grav/bin/english/gravlvl.v2y   28698
grav/bin/fran‡ais/grav.89z   24401
grav/bin/fran‡ais/grav.9xz   24401
grav/bin/fran‡ais/grav.v2z   24401
grav/bin/fran‡ais/gravcfg.89t   111
grav/bin/fran‡ais/gravcfg.9xt   111
grav/bin/fran‡ais/gravcfg.v2t   111
grav/bin/fran‡ais/gravlvl.89y   28698
grav/bin/fran‡ais/gravlvl.9xy   28698
grav/bin/fran‡ais/gravlvl.v2y   28698
grav/doc/images/arrivee.gif   80
grav/doc/images/checkpoint.gif   85
grav/doc/images/disable_gravity.gif   56
grav/doc/images/enable_gravity.gif   56
grav/doc/images/glace.gif   90
grav/doc/images/jumper_bas.gif   654
grav/doc/images/jumper_droite.gif   644
grav/doc/images/jumper_gauche.gif   641
grav/doc/images/jumper_haut.gif   652
grav/doc/images/moins.gif   84
grav/doc/images/multipics.gif   83
grav/doc/images/pave1.gif   92
grav/doc/images/pave2.gif   90
grav/doc/images/pave3.gif   89
grav/doc/images/pave4.gif   91
grav/doc/images/pave5.gif   89
grav/doc/images/pave6.gif   89
grav/doc/images/pics_clignotantes.gif   670
grav/doc/images/pic_bas.gif   91
grav/doc/images/pic_droite.gif   86
grav/doc/images/pic_gauche.gif   87
grav/doc/images/pic_haut.gif   127
grav/doc/images/plus.gif   82
grav/doc/images/screen1.jpg   6775
grav/doc/images/screen2.jpg   6239
grav/doc/images/screen3.jpg   7692
grav/doc/images/soufflerie_bas.gif   771
grav/doc/images/soufflerie_droite.gif   698
grav/doc/images/soufflerie_gauche.gif   706
grav/doc/images/soufflerie_haut.gif   795
grav/doc/images/titre.png   4513
grav/doc/images/zero.gif   80
grav/doc/Lisez-moi.html   13501
grav/doc/Read-me.html   12232
grav/doc/style.css   1186
grav/src/config.c   808
grav/src/config.h   233
grav/src/defines.h   3782
grav/src/extgraph/extgraph.a   409128
grav/src/extgraph/extgraph.h   172553
grav/src/fonctions graphiques.c   3680
grav/src/fonctions graphiques.h   731
grav/src/fonctions.c   5119
grav/src/fonctions.h   807
grav/src/ghost.c   2610
grav/src/ghost.h   422
grav/src/global.h   608
grav/src/graphique.h   18484
grav/src/grav.c   29950
grav/src/grav.tpr   1838
grav/src/hachage.c   2137
grav/src/hachage.h   1320
grav/src/highscores.c   3002
grav/src/highscores.h   309
grav/src/menu.c   10532
grav/src/menu.h   157
grav/src/soufflerie.c   3541
grav/src/soufflerie.h   550
grav/src/types.h   290

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