PreOS v0.70 Released
Posted by Michael on 4 September 2004, 15:44 GMT
Patrick Pelissier has released PreOS v0.70, his kernel for the 89, 92+, and V200. Version 0.70 is fully compatible with the TI-89 Titanium, and runs on all AMS versions and all hardware versions. The grayscale library now works on all hardware versions as well. All kernel programs should now run on the Titanium without patching.
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Re: PreOS v0.70 Released
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
Well, there is absolutely nothing stopping me from getting an 89 now. I am going to get one probablly tuesday.
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4 September 2004, 19:19 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.70 Released
Somebody should make GTA-at least GTA 1 for the 68k series! Please reply if you are willing to do this.
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4 September 2004, 20:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: PreOS v0.70 Released
Andrew Berg
As far as a GB emu, as a true emu, there would be space problems (roms are 256kb, so maybe one game at a time, oh, and roms are easy to find and should only be downloaded if you own the original, but it's your call.) btw, roms wopuld have to be modified in some way, i'm sure to be used on a calc. Otherwise, the games would have to be made by a programmer. Even so, it would be nice to see it.
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29 September 2004, 14:51 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.70 Released
Lewk Of Serthic
(Web Page)
I just tried out PreOS on my 89Ti and think I'm in love.
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5 September 2004, 00:53 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.70 Released
Iceberg + Ghostbuster + HW3 patch worked fine on my 89Ti, with maybe four or five exceptions, but since I like nostub programs better, I mostly just go with the HW3 patch, and none of the kernels, whether it be TitaniK, Iceberg, or PreOS.
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5 September 2004, 03:53 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.70 Released
Hmm, I had Doors a long time ago on my TI (HW1)...will this support all kernel-based games (read: all those old ones that say "doorsos-only" and such)?
I'm a bit wary on putting a kernel on...anything I should consider first?
Hmm, I sound like a newbie here, I'm really not; just inexperienced when it comes to kernels (well, on the TI anyhow).
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5 September 2004, 04:46 GMT
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