TI Connect v1.5 Released
Posted by Michael on 17 August 2004, 16:39 GMT
TI has released version 1.5 of their TI Connect software for Windows. This version is a normal release and has been updated since the beta version that was included with 84+ and 89 Titanium calculators. As usual, there is a long list of "known issues" that should be read through upon installation. Most notably, it appears that using a firewall can in some cases prevent TI Connect from communicating with a calculator. You will need about 45 MB of disk space to install this latest version.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI Connect v1.5 Released
My bad. I misquoted you slightly, but the conclusion is the same.
Most complicated error handling I deal with is to return error codes to different threads of execution. That's not writing multi-threaded programs but the multi-threader itself. It also involves saving the registers, being careful not to touch the stack while it's changing, and restoring the registers properly. The error handling is the simplest part.
A simple layout helps to optimise a program (global optimisations have a bigger payoff than local optimisations), because it shows what can be moved or removed more easily than a more complex layout.
Also, to keep a program from getting complicated from doing interrelated things, make the program data-centric (rather than code-centric) and have a clean and consistent interface for each function. A function should be a black box; you don't know how it works, but you know how to invoke it. If a function encounters an error, it just returns an error code, and depending on how "fatal" it is, the caller can pass it up to its caller, and so on until the error handler for that particular error can report it.
What I get from what you wrote, you use a language which uses "exceptions" (such as TI-68k BASIC or Java). Exception are "invisible GOTO"s, and GOTO's are considered harmful. In the case of exceptions, the code usually needs to know what caused the error (what "threw the exception"), and that can complicate a program's error handling. What you said may be true but mostly for languages which use exceptions to catch errors.
By the way, where in AutoClBr is the effective error handling which you say is complicated? All I see is pretty standard error handling. Point out the file(s) and line number(s) so I can look more closely at it.
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18 August 2004, 02:43 GMT
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