Expander 2 Re-Released
Posted by Morgan on 9 June 2004, 22:01 GMT
For those of you who weren't here the first time around, the Expander 2 is an external memory expander device that adds 512K memory to any TI graphing calculator that has a link port and the appropriate driver software. Currently there are only drivers for the 85, 86, and 92. For many years this project was literally lost. ticalc.org's links to Bryan Rittmeyer's Expander 2 homepage were broken. When the original site went down the hole, subsequently all reference was removed from ticalc.org.
Recently, I tried to find Bryan and see where the state of the project lay and surprizingly enough I actually found him. Being the nice guy that Bryan is, he put up a historical web page with all the original information. Bryan has told me that he is not selling any more of these devices, but the plans to build them yourself are available. If some of you guys are looking for a project this summer, you could look into porting the drivers to other calculators or even building and selling the devices yourself. All reference to the Expander 2 has been added back to ticalc.org. Thank you, Bryan.
On a side note, if you want to get more involved in the community outside of IRC, there is a new Google 2 Group called TI-calculators. Feel free to check it out!
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Re: Expander 2 Re-Released
While we were talking about expansion of memory, that brings mind an idea ive been trying to bring to fruitition: make a castlevania game for the 89 in TIGCC. I only just started learning C, so my knowledge of it is rudimentary at best. However, i persevered and tried to use the source for The Incredible Adventure, the only C platformer to my knowlegde.
1. compiling even the normal source doesnt even work- there are WAY too many bugs
2. that game is very buggy and tends to give an adress error when the area has too many things in it- too many being like 5 enemies
3. with all this i tried putting in castlevania sprites, but when i was finally done with that, it wouldnt compile.
Does anyone know of any other C platformers? Thanks.
And does anyone know of anyone attempting a castlevania C game for the 89?
PS: sorry this is a bit off topic but i dont know where else to put this.
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10 June 2004, 03:32 GMT

Re: Re: Expander 2 Re-Released
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
yes and no. I was working on a metroid game, but i didnt really know what i was doing. However, since then i have stopped that project indefinitely, but know quite a bit more about platformers. There are few complete C platformers, but quite a few in progress. Email me or find me on AIM, ICQ, YIM, or MSN within the next 24 hours and I'll help you out more, but after about 24 hours i wont have ANY time at all to do anything until mid-august. And for future reference, this question belongs in the mailing lists.
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10 June 2004, 05:42 GMT
¥ not 83/83+?
The 85 IS a Z80 calc so why doesn't anyone do this for any of the calcs 82--84+S.E.? Can't someone do some porting? Id liek a few siomple answers, as extra mem is always nice
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11 June 2004, 02:41 GMT
Re: Expander 2 Re-Released
mike White
(Web Page)
hey anyone find the link o this guys site to www.calclinks.net. they have a part where they are selling the expander 2 and it was last updated less then 3 monthes ago. maybe they still have a few!
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11 June 2004, 16:05 GMT
Re: Expander 2 Re-Released
(Web Page)
IMO the radio link for the ti-89 was the coolest thing ever made for calculators...wanted to bad to cheat with those on a test with friends but we never got em and decided notes and programs written by either ourselves or downloaded were more effective...amen to calc ebooks...can copy with like no limit anything you ever needed written on the calcs...like annoying definitions...only thing missing was image support for diagrams :P...
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11 June 2004, 20:01 GMT
Re: Expander 2 Re-Released
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
Just curious if anyone else is bothered by the fact that the 92 prog is nothing but a basic prog that looks like this:
If not, I will not bring this up again.
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12 June 2004, 20:24 GMT

Re: Re: Expander 2 Re-Released
code Suidae
Sure, I built one for my 85's way back when I was still reading the TI-Hardware mailing list. I sold it to a friend long ago, but I still have one of the flash chips used by the E2 (AT45D041JC), unused in my parts box, along with about a dozen AT90S1200's in various sizes, and and old STK200 programmer. So I suppose I could breadboard up an E2 pretty quickly, but I'd rather wait and see what Really Board Productions comes up with. I'd like to see an ATTiny based design, the AT90S1200's are too much work (small space, no SRAM, etc. Sure, you _can_ use them, but there are better devices for the same price now).
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18 June 2004, 15:18 GMT
Re: Expander 2 Re-Released
Mel Tsai
(Web Page)
Wow.... Who would have thought that people would still be interested in this crap 7 years later =). Don't the latest calcs have enough memory for you all? Everyone should be using real PDAs to play games in math class anyway =). FYI, I have some historical info on the first expander here: http://www.mtsai.net/random.html
About the USB memory keys for an "expander 3"... I wouldn't bother. The USB host controller and required file system software is just not worth the trouble, trust me.
Sup bryan...
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26 June 2004, 09:36 GMT
Expander 2 Links
Hello, after a long and intriguing time reading all of the responses/comments About The Expander 2. Hopefully this response by me might help. Noticing that the original links to get to the already archived webpage, of the Expander II, were broken. So I went into an extensive search to see if I could possibly find the original schematic to The Expander II. After weeks and weeks of searching, I found out that the original archived webpage was in a database of archived webpages on a specific URL. I also found out that the site the database was on ran into a hardship, and was soon removed off the face of the internet(as far as I know). SO ... that was a huge downer on my adventurous search for The Expander II schematic. But a couple of hours away from my computer I thought "What about other database archives?" So my search continued on for the following month, and I finally found my goal. One archive database had the broken link, so now I will share the link with you. Remember two things, First: This took two months to find... So appreciate it before this link goes corrupt also. Second: the database I found also restored all of the hyperlinks (As of this date: 1-20-11; other than that I would not know) so all is well and working, not just the homepage.
-Cheers, Nate
URL - http:// web.archive.org/ web/ 20040611052308/ http:// staidm.org/ old/ horizon/ e2/ plans.html
(Remove the spaces behind the back-slashes)
P.S. - Bryan R, this is how appreciated your work is. Just look at this page. You will never know what your impact did on the calculator world. I will never take any of your work for granted. Don't forget it Bryan.
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21 January 2011, 00:39 GMT
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