Help Wanted
Posted by Morgan on 27 May 2004, 03:36 GMT
Last summer 2,476 programs were given screenshots, and this summer the plan is to get the rest of the assembly files complete. We had a great turnout last summer and we hope this summer will be the same. If you would like to help out this summer, any help would be put to use, even if you want to make screenshots for BASIC files. There are no rules and it's all done in your own time whenever you want. If you are willing to help e-mail me and I'll set you up with what you need to know.
I am also looking into the possibility of getting you guys community service hours (if you need them), however at the moment nothing is set in stone. I'll post updates. And finally I would like to point out that Brandon has uploaded a few level sets, the first in nearly 2 years, for Super Mario 86, the best program ever made :-)
Update (Joey): As suggested on the comment boards by Ben Cherry, it would be a great idea if people would rate each file after they make a screenshot, to make the rating system more effective.
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Re: Help Wanted
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
on a similar subject, it would probably be a good idea to rate all of the programs you screenshot, as that would put many more ratings in the archives.
Also, i would like to help, but i dont think i can. I have 1 week (finals week) of school left, and then i have one week to enjoy normal summer vacation at home before i leave for the rest of the summer, during which time i will have almost no access to computers of any kind, a scary thought.
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27 May 2004, 04:15 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Help Wanted
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
well, to respond to both of you as clearly as i can:
I am not going to be a "camper", i am going their to work for $$$, for the fourth summer in a row. Therefore i would not get in much trouble if i brought a laptop, and cell phones are encouraged among the staff. However, i have no laptop, and would not bring it if i did. I would rather have fun in the outdoors than on my computer, as i do for the rest of the year. And besides, a general assumption is that anything you take to camp, you should assume you will not be bringing back at the end of the summer. 2 months of dust and other things really destroy stuff...
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28 May 2004, 04:32 GMT
Re: Help Wanted
(Web Page)
I would help, but I have my own site that needs a ton of work done to it. And I have several projects that need to be finished. Too much to do, so little time...
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27 May 2004, 13:12 GMT
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