MirageOS v1.2 Released
Posted by Michael on 15 May 2004, 03:25 GMT
Detached Solutions has released the eagerly anticipated update to its popular flash shell, MirageOS. MirageOS v1.2 fixes all problems with BASIC programs crashing the calculator, sorts programs faster, has a "smart writeback" for archived programs, and is compatible with the TI-84 Plus.
The sorting is incredibly fast - from 3.5 minutes to 5 seconds on my calculator.
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Re: MirageOS v1.2 Released
Sweeeeeeeet! Does this mean that it is compatable with the 83+ SE?
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15 May 2004, 04:09 GMT
Re: MirageOS v1.2 Released
(Web Page)
I downloaded it the night it came out. My favorite favorite feature is not loosing programs if they crash when run from the archive. The ability to cancel program name/folder name changes is a close second. The box at the bottom of the screen now blinks a couple of times when it is prompting for input, which I at first thought was a bug. I like it now though :)
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15 May 2004, 04:15 GMT
Re: MirageOS v1.2 Released
I've actually enabled the auto sort option. It used to delay way too much when it started. I'm glad that basic programs don't crash (as far as I know) anymore, now I can hide and password protect them and still be able to run them :)
Oh, and what "functions" run faster on 15 mhz calcs?
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15 May 2004, 16:15 GMT
Re: MirageOS v1.2 Released
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
The smart write back, does that mean you can select the ones that you want to be written to, and not have all then unarchived, and rearchived?
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15 May 2004, 16:52 GMT

Re: Re: MirageOS v1.2 Released
Dan Englender
(Web Page)
It means, if you have the writeback option enabled, after you finish running a program, MirageOS will scan the program to see if anything has changed, and will only write it back to archive if something needs to be saved. You can see this for yourself by running a program, say falldown, from archive with the writeback option enabled. When you don't get a high score you'll see that it quits almost instantly because nothing is being written back. If you get a high score, you'll notice a delay because the program needs to be written back to archive. (Note: programs that use self-modifying code will always appear to MirageOS to be changed, and so will always be written back to archive). Of course, if you have the write-back option off, the functionality hasn't changed: nothing is written back.
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15 May 2004, 17:01 GMT
Re: MirageOS v1.2 Released
W Hibdon
(Web Page)
Oh, Oh, does this now mean that that evil "Z,1." Program is no longer created if a basic program is exited using the 2nd Quit method at a prompt/input when it is archived?
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15 May 2004, 17:15 GMT
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