HP launches new calculator
Posted by Magnus on 25 April 2004, 20:29 GMT
HP has launched what they claim to be the worlds most powerful RPN scientific calculator. This is HPs first launch of a RPN calculator since 1991.
This calculator is a "classic" calculator, and not a graphing one. It's a calculator directed at scientific usage, and has a clear focus on these functions. It supports the popular Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) for calculation, as well as normal algebraic notation. It's programmable and holds 31Kb of memory.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HP launches new calculator
(Web Page)
I don't know why this is news... ticalc is just copying slashdot.
anyway, the 33s is a low end calculator. It is only relevent because th engineering exam board won't let you take any graphing calculators into the exam. The 33s is the most powerful you are allowed.
And before calling RPN 'wacky Polish-ness', at least have a quick look at it so you can understand it. Personally I think 'numeric' RPN is dificult because you can only see numbers. It is a different story on other calcs like the Hp49G+ though. There you can see all your working clearly.
With RPN you can do stuff 'step-by-step' rather in in one large chunk like algebraic (or resort to hacks like ANS(1) etc). A simple example is finding the derivitive of sin(x)+x all over the square root of x.
with an algebraic calculator, you'd type
DER ((sin(x)+x)/sqrt(x))
in one hit. Its possible to make a mistake with the brackets if you are not careful - and here the brackets are only a few levels deep! Think about a more complex problem.
With RPN, you'd type
X SIN --> SIN(X) is shown on the display
X + --> SIN(X)+X is shown
X SQRT --> SIN(X) + X is on level 2, sqrt(x) on level 1
/ --> (SIN(x)+x)/sqrt(x) is shown
DER--> The answer is shown
Of course, all these steps are shown in 'pretty-print' all along the way. You can ensure that you havn't made an entry mistake. Belive it or not, but I find the RPN much easier to think about because I can see what I type as I type it, if that makes any sense.
Basically, with RPN, if you press an operator (like add, subtract, integrate, etc) it gets preformed when you press it. Thats why you have to go 2 enter 2 +, not 2 + 2. Once you get your head around that its much easier.
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26 April 2004, 02:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HP launches new calculator
3+5= or 3 ENTER 5 +. Simple enough, can't make mistakes, you're right.
(3+5)*(6+8), now. That's a different story. That's TWELVE keys (if there are no shifts, and I don't suppose there are. Let's see the RPN version.
3 ENTER 5 + 6 ENTER 8 + *. That's NINE keys (no shifts there either!) and you see intermediate results (I mean, if before entering the 6 you see 312.45, you may figure out that you pressed the wrong key).
Those are the advantages I find in RPN: no parentheses, and intermediate results all the way. I like RPN. But I must say that algebraic notation is easier when writing a complex equation in a program, so I like both, to each its own purpose.
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27 June 2004, 13:12 GMT
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