Jonathan Katz Joins
Posted by Michael on 27 March 2004, 00:07 GMT
It's been a long time since we announced that we were hiring, but the wait is finally over. We'd like to welcome Jonathan Katz to our staff. Jonathan will be editing and posting reviews, posting surveys, and otherwise generally assisting with the site.
We wish good luck to Jon, and remember to submit lots of high-quality, objective reviews for him to process!
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Re: Jonathan Katz Joins
Jonathan Katz
(Web Page)
Well, I want to say hi to everyone, and how greatly I appreciate being the new staff member. I thank everyone for the warm welcome, I really appreciate it. I'm really looking forward to being the reviews editor and reading your reviews, and I will do my best to keep up with all the reviews that you submit!
So anyway, if you have any questions to ask me, feel free to!
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28 March 2004, 01:53 GMT
Back From the Dead!!!!
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
Congratulations Jonathan. Maybe now Morgan can get back to *cough* archiving files *cough*. I know you'll do a great job Jonathan. Maybe I'll write you some reviews. Ill fil there text wtih grammer and speling erors so get god you can at fixin' dem up!
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28 March 2004, 04:57 GMT
Re: Jonathan Katz Joins
Off topic but I am mad. Today my school anouced their new no anti-homosexuality policy. That cool, I have nothing against homosexual people. Then this kid stands up and anouces to the class that he is gay. The teacher then applaudes him for expressing his feelings. Also wanting praise I stand up and say that I am straight. The teacher promptly gives me a detention for making fun of homosexuals. I have nothing against them! I think society is corrupt.
Its ok if anyone wants to delete this comment for whatever reason. I didn't mean to offend anyone and like I said I have nothing against homosexuals. I just needed to rant and see if anyone else thought that this was unfair.
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31 March 2004, 02:23 GMT
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