Lots and Lots of Slithery, Twisted Fun
Posted by Michael on 26 January 2004, 23:45 GMT
For those of you in an chordate mood, Reggie Tucker has updated Snake 2, intended to be a 83+ clone of the nibbles game found on many cell phones. It's still under development, and only the "New Game" feature is working in this v0.8 release.
But, if you have a 89, there's Mr Worm by Jean-Francois Geyelin, an expanded version of nibbles where your annelid friend can move in forty directions instead of the usual four. May the apple consuming commence!
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Re: Lots and Lots of Slithery, Twisted Fun
jordan krage
so this is a loosely based clone of "uncle worm" for the 83+?
i think ill have to download it
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26 January 2004, 23:50 GMT

Re: Re: Lots and Lots of Slithery, Twisted Fun
(Web Page)
Hey! Yesterday, I saw this program in the archives and almost downloaded it. (I didn't download it because I was on my new computer, which doesn't yet have TI-Graph Link on it) I like these types of games. I wrote one for the TI-89 once, but I didn't like it that much, so I didn't upload it (for once). I, then, made one in QBASIC, which I liked, but that's not really relative to this. Anyway, I'll download Mr. Worm when I get the chance. The 360° (or in this case, I think it's 40 directions) snake games always keep me entertained in school.
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27 January 2004, 15:33 GMT
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