Voxel Demo for 89
Posted by Michael on 18 January 2004, 14:24 GMT
Voxel2Space - Techdemo is an interesting 3-D demo for the 89 that displays a voxel world. What's a voxel? I'm glad you asked: A voxel is a combination of the words volume and pixel - the smallest particle in a 3-D world. This program doesn't actually do anything except look amazing, but perhaps it will lead to better games someday.
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Re: Voxel Demo for 89
Nice graphics would be enough for me to "watch and be amazed."
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18 January 2004, 14:33 GMT
I know them better
I'm afraid not... While voxels have been largely surpassed by polygonal graphics, they are still in limited use. (For example, NovaLogic used voxels for Delta Force 2) Also, with proper implementation, they can be even more efficient than polygons for rendering terrain, especially on limited hardware like a calculator. Unfortunatly, they generally require more memory and the results are not as pretty (although some people argue otherwise). However, the main reason for the decrease in voxel-usage is the availability of 3D-accelerators, which allow polygon-rendering to occur very quickly, while not assisting in voxel-rendering at all.
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18 January 2004, 20:31 GMT

Re: Voxels, as I know them
Ben Cherry
(Web Page)
i believe that the best way to think about voxels is in the sense of a standard coordinate system. On a 2d screen, you have an x and y axis, and you plot points in that as pixels. Voxels are points or pixels that are plotted in 3d, with an x, y, and z axis. In the sense of BASIC programming to think about it, you would write:
VoxelOn 5,74,83
or something like that. Of course i dont actually know how to use voxels and that is just an example to help with understanding of the basic idea, so that might not be the right way to think about it.
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18 January 2004, 21:48 GMT
Re: Voxel Demo for 89
W Hibdon
If I knew what the crap this was about, I might be as excited as I am about the 83+ thing.
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18 January 2004, 17:17 GMT
Re: Voxel Demo for 89
(Web Page)
You can view a java generated voxel application. (See link). This is similar to the program released.
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19 January 2004, 01:53 GMT
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