Joltima 2 for Game Boy Color
Posted by Nathan on 28 October 1999, 09:02 GMT
Justin Karneges is professionally developing a sequel to his famous TI-83 RPG, Joltima. Joltima--eventually ported to the TI-82, TI-85, and TI-86--was a revolutionary RPG with a vast overworld, multiple dungeons to explore, several towns, and a storyline. This new game is "completely different" from Joltima other than different class types and the trailing party. This will be a Game Boy Color-exclusive game. Source: Josh Morris, Macross Software
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Re: Joltima 2 for Game Boy Color
Jacob Guilbeau
This is awesome. I think it's great that some ticalc programmer finally has some recognition. I only hope he doesn't forget the people who were there before him and inspired him to program Joltima in the first place.
28 October 1999, 09:16 GMT
Re: Joltima 2 for Game Boy Color
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
I don't want to get into the habit of explaining my news posts, because I don't need to defend my choices--I'm the news editor. :)
But I thought this was newsworthy because Joltima was such an awesome, revolutionary game. I don't remember any game like it in scope of overworld, plot, or quality (and I haven't seen one since). Well, some people didn't like it, which is fine, but it is probably the finest RPG available to date.
For some of us who have (or will get) a Game Boy Color, I think this is very newsworthy. I'll get it just because I loved Joltima for the calc, myself. :) Also, I think it is interestign that Justin took his programming experience (and game, for goodness' sake!) from the TI-83 and is now creating a commercial Game Boy game.
28 October 1999, 09:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Joltima 2 for Game Boy Color
Nathan Haines
(Web Page)
Thanks. I got a Game Boy in that first Christmas in 1989 after it came out when I was 9, and have been fiercely loyal ever since. Games need good gameplay to be fun--not good graphics, and many Game Boy games (and TI-calc games) have shown that.
Graphics are awesome, of course, but they are always secondary--and the coolest things about GBs and TI calculators is that a game can be merely interesting and be very popular. :) I'm a Game Boy freak, so I didn't know whether or not to post this. I want to program for the GBC--but I'm too busy to learn as of yet. I loved Joltima when it came out, and I was pleasently surprised to see this. As I said, I'll probably buy it just to show my support of Justin (who responded to a bug report of mine once, but who doesn't otherwise know me).
Two Game Boy games were recently released--Pokémon Pinball and Mario Golf--which are types of games I'd like to see on my TI-86 or TI-89. Pokémon Pinball (which I bought for the color and pinball, not for the Pokémon, thank you) is one damn good pinball game, and Mario Golf is an awesome adaptation of the N64 title.
Neither has very complex graphics, but the controls are extremely responsive. I've always wanted a handheld pinball game (now I have one), and golf has only ever slightly interested me (but the RPG/golf mix intrigued me). I think no one's tried a golf game on the calculator (but Mario Golf does run at 8mHz rather than the standard 4mHz--the physics model seems to be very detailed).
Now, I'll just hope that some programmer thinks a pinball or golf ASM game should be written--I've certainly no desire to write either engine! But while I don't want to see games 'ported' from the Game Boy to the TIs, I think that sometimes these games serve as inspiration for programmers.
After all, just think what ZTetris did for ZShell and the TI-85? ;)
28 October 1999, 11:20 GMT
Re: Joltima 2 for Game Boy Color
(Web Page)
This might seem like a stupid question but: Is he being paid by Nintendo to program this game for the actual gameboy color, or is he just doing it for a gameboy emulator or something?
28 October 1999, 14:50 GMT
Re: Joltima 2 for Game Boy Color R3: Jø1†im4 2 før @4m3 8ø¥ (ø1ør
(Web Page)
I don't know Justin personally (though I do know who he is), but congrats to him. From the little picture at the top of the screen there, his game looks like a very impressive job of programming. The color is a really nice touch, too. :)
In response to Adamw's comment about whether Justin's getting paid or not.. I hope so. Hmm.. he seems like the type that would do it just for the fun anyway, but I assume that when you get good enough to program a game for a nintendo system, you'd want to get credit and money for it.
28 October 1999, 15:12 GMT
Re: Joltima 2 for Game Boy Color
C Bauer
(Web Page)
Gee, this sure would be nice on the 89....
*hint* *hint*
Hey!, someone should port this to the ti-89! :)
That would be cool. Game boy color is even better though...the colors....Wow, I've never played the RPG, but by the looks of it and what everyone says, it sounds pretty cool. Thats great though, now everyone can enjoy the program...on a system that was meant for games ;)
One more little off subject thing doorsos always freezes up with the new flash rom...why?
28 October 1999, 15:27 GMT
Re: Joltima 2 for Game Boy Color
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)
Gee, this news item has a lot to do with TI graphing calculators. :)
28 October 1999, 17:53 GMT
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