ticalc.org Breaks 8,000 Archived Files
Posted by Phil on 17 October 1999, 00:44 GMT
I'm happy to announce that ticalc.org has amassed more than 8,000 files (specifically, 8,001). In addition to this, there are 4,107 screenshots, 181 of which are animated. The directory with the most files is TI-82 BASIC Games with 490 files, the runner up being TI-83 BASIC Games with 315 files. In related news, we broke our weekly requests record again with 1,623,549 requests in the week starting on October 10. The previous record was set on September 12 with 1,534,428 requests. For more information on our web statistics, please click here.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: ticalc.org Breaks 8000 Archived Files
(Web Page)
Hey, you know i would like to congratulate Ticalc.org on a wonderful ammount of over 8000 Archived Files. And if some porgrammers starting porting some games for Ti 83+ like mario, pacman, and froger then you could have over 10000 games. Tell the programmers to supply us Ti 83+ers with some more games.
Love ya,
17 October 1999, 00:51 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: ticalc.org Breaks 8000 Archived Files
Matt Landry
(Web Page)
From: "Shaun M." <tectono@yahoo.com>
To: mhlandry@bellsouth.net
>me, arrogant, I think not you little worthless
>programmer, I am not a little programmer, i am a big
>time programmer wo just happens to want to see what
>peoples reactions are to his comments. have my own
>web page. VERY BIG STUFF. you've probably been there
>MANY times. Oh, by the way send me another email and i
>will report youa and put you on block in ALL TI sites,
>I have connections.
^ this is a reply to a mail I sent him after his outburst on the mario/blink article ^
>its your d*** job. If you don;t like it, WHO CARES >IF YOU QUIT!! for your info, you arrogant piece of >dirt, i am a >programmer, I DO get hundreds of >emails. jerk
^ this was his outburst ^
1. Since when is programming my job. Explain this to me please. Cause
the only thing I get out of programming is enjoyment.
2. When was I arrogant? You are the one thats going around yelling at
everyone, so even if I did sound arrogant, then its good for you.
3. I know nobody will care if I quit (at least yet), but people cared
when Bill Nagel quit, and now Sam is really angry because of people like
4. What do you program, ti-basic? on your TI-80? I know I have no room
to talk, but are your hundreds of emails asking stupid things that can
be found easily in you ti-basic's program readme? Or is it something
like could you port your ti-83 (basic) game to asm or to a different
5. Yes, I dont like it, but I can keep myself under control. Seems like
you cant.
- Matt
^ and this was the mail he was replying to ^
Now, I hope all other 83/(+) programmers have/are paying attention, because I think it only proper to reply to people like this by boycotting the 83+, at least for awhile, like Sam has. Thank you for your time. I am sorry for any of those I have offended or dont share my views on this. But I think this and past posts will solidify my position.
- Matt
17 October 1999, 23:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ticalc.org Breaks 8000 Archived Files
John Smith
I would like to ask the non-83 + users a simple question. Why do you characterize a whole group of people based on a few idiots? Most of the courteous TI-83+ users don't respond to these boards and stuff. They are being patient and don't feel the need to flame and beg. All of the idiots are represented on this board. You are right, it is hard to find a TI-83+ user on this board that is courteous, but the 83+ users on this board are very few. If you think that only the people on this board use the 83+ you are an idiot.
I am speaking for at least 40 83+ users in my pre-calc class and the calculus class. We 83+ users are not the spoiled little brats, who beg our parents to buy us these calculators. They are required for the course, and the 83+s are the cheapest usable calculators. If we were spoiled little brats, we would be asking for the 89 or even better the 92+.
The 83+ users are wrong for constantly nagging the programmers to port games and for flaming the ones that do because of the bugs. And I am not condemning the programmers that have decided not to make any more games for the 83+, I agree with them as long as they are reacting to the reality of things, not just what is on these boards. I know that Ahmed has received many unnecessary flames because of a bug in Tetris that crashed people’s calcs, but how is flaming him an appropriate response. No accomplished programmer would want to put bugs into a program. Ahmed has built up a reputation as an excellent porter, who would not want to purposely screw someone’s calc up. What most likely happened is that he felt so rushed to get the game out to the public, that he did not have an adequate time to test the game personally. I also agree with Sam in that making people wait for the games longer because they are bugging him.
I think there is a way around all these problems. What we need to do is create a forum where people can post ideas about games that they would like ported and created for their calcs. That way it should cut down significantly on the amount of emails that the programmers receive, but in the same time giving the people that think they are being helpful a place to voice their opinion. I also call on the users of the other calcs to stop responding to the people posting like idiots. We also need to change the anti 83+ atmosphere on the board. It seems ok for users of any other calc to constantly put down the 83+ users. And for some reason it seems ok for the users of other calculators to magnify the impact of the few idiots by constantly replying to the idiots like beasty, who I bet does not even own an 83+. You do not see the decent 83+ users doing that to the 85, 86, 89, 92, and 92+ users that act like idiots. They are there. If you just ignore the idiots like you should, it would solve so many problems.
Finally, I know this is a long post. We should all be thankful for all the games and math programs that have been released. We should not get angry with the programmers who decided to cut us 83+ users off from the flow of programs. It is their choice. They do it for fun, and frankly I don’t think it would be much fun to spend hours porting a game and then having to deal with people like beasty who would flame you just for the fun of it. I am gradually learning asm, and hopefully whenever the development kit from Ti comes it should help me even more. I want to help become part of the solution by porting games. I am proficient in basic for the computer and have designed many great games for that and I hope Asm won’t be too difficult to learn.
Now there is one program that I do want for the 83+ that I think I will be hard pressed to find one user on this board who disagrees with me on this one. A non-beta version of the TI-Graphlink software for the 83+ and a non-beta version for all the 89 users. This is ridiculous that TI, who is in this for the money, charging us $7 for a periodic table, after we spend $100 on the calculator and $20 on the link can’t give us a non-beta version after the calculator has been out for 8 months and the 89 even longer. Now that is something to complain about. And why do we need to get our flash apps signed by Ti. Why do they feel it necessary to control what gets released to flash. These are the problems we should be discussing on these boards, not Ztetris crashing your calculator.
18 October 1999, 06:15 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ticalc.org Breaks 8000 Archived Files
Ed Fry
(Web Page)
>Most of the courteous TI-83+ users don't respond to these boards and stuff.
Why dont they then? Why are they not defending their position by telling the rude Ti-83+ users to Shut up and deal with the fact that it's going to take some time before games will be ported. As for basing my opinion in the first post. I cant remember a time when 2 Major Programmers (possibly more by now) decided to boycott a calculator because of it's users. Can you? I dont know about anybody else, but I wouldn't mind hearing some praise or encouragement once in awile instead of Insults, Death threats, and the like.
>What we need to do is create a forum where people can post ideas about games that they would like ported and created for their calcs
It's been done already. It's in the programming section of Ticalc.org under program requests.
I wish I had more time to elaborite more on this, but my main concern is that the Ti-83+ users show a bit more respect to the people who sit down all day programming Calcs for no benefit except to say that his/her game was good and that people enjoy playing it, and Right now, From what I am seeing on the Ti-83+ end, from this board, from programmers pages, and their E-mail their recieving, it's not happening this way.
18 October 1999, 18:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ticalc.org Breaks 8000 Archived Files
(Web Page)
HA HA HA! No, i do not just post to get flamed (well maybe a little). The main reason i put up my comments is that the Ti 83+ is being regarded as a crappy upgrade to an already crappy calc. Whereas the Ti 83+ is the most popular calculator in my highschool of over 1500. This calculator is all you need through precalc. I do not know one person, exept the flamers online, who don't have an 83 but tend to dis it. The Ti 83+ is a great calculator and you guys should lay off it. AND MAKE MORE GAMES FOR IT! WE TI 83+ers deserve some games! "Im a lazy programmer, blah, blah, blah." JUsT PORT SOME GAMeS FROM ASHELL TO ION. mAYBE 2 days work. AAAAAHHHHH! Release your source code if you dont want to port, that way we can do it. Oh yeah, and another thing. MAKE MORE GAMES FOR THE Ti 83+.
Love ya,
17 October 1999, 16:56 GMT

I can't help but laugh!!!
Charles Yong
No offense people but this just reminds me of my poor, poor, friends who got their hot-rod G3's when they came out, bragging about their ultimate power, then realizing that the power doesn't matter if there aren't any decent games for it:P
It's not our fault these gamers got 83+'s, which are basically 89 wannabes without the mhz, or ram to make it the real thing!
I'm not gonna say I'm spoiled, because I am. I personally own a TI-82, 83, 2 85's, 86, and soon to be the proud owner of a TI-89, but at least I got that from my own pocket money (heh, don't ask) but even I don't have an 83+ since if you really want to play games on your calc, you should have looked into it before buying the darn $80 graphy thing!
I learned a bit of 68k asm myself, and I can tell you that programming is a nasty thing to do, and it's kind of obvious. a game that is 10k large is literally hundreds of "pages" long! Well... not hundreds, but it's upwards of a hundred pages or more.
As for all you 83+ users, I feel sorry for you, because you basically bought the "Mac" of the calculator world! Yes, they ARE better for educational purposes... but if you wanted a calc for educational purposes, why didn't you get one of those casio things!?!?
Anyway, if you want to buy a calc, here's a quick overview of 'em (I'm not being the calc guru, this is just cause I own 'em all, and can compare 'em side by side)
TI-82 ... unless you don't have any money at all... don't get it although if you take a look, there are some pretty cool stuff for it (mega man, etc) but just not enough mem to have more than one decent game on it
TI-83 ... good for school, can hold quite a few nice games (mario, galaxian, arkanoid, ztetris, etc) and have a fairly good library of games for it, + most teachers know these in and out and can help you use them.
TI-83+ ... good for the hardcore... scholar. Not much for it, but serves it's purpose if you just want it for school. Good usually up to pre-cal, and then you start itching for an 89:)
TI-85 ... good calc, lots of progs for it, good for schoolwork, but with the number of good games for it, and the amount of mem it has, you always end up wanting more:) That's probably why I have two of 'em:P
TI-86 ... great calc, prob the best calc for students who want to work 'n play and who don't want to spit out the extra $30-40 for an 89, + a lot of students in your class will know how to use them and can help you out. Plus a ton of games, emulators for the 82 and 85 which allows it to play even more games, and the memory it has will hold all the games you'll want on it.
TI-89 ... Ultimate in school calcs. It can basically do anything, as well as play SF2! On the other hand, although many of the 89 games are high quality, there are a relative few, still more than the 83+ though. The TI-89 on the other hand IMO always seems to not have enough memory if you want to put SF2 on it:) Although if you don't have SF2 on it (losing the purpose of having an 89) then you can hold all you want)
TI-92 I don't know much about this one, but looks nice, not enough memory though, I'd go for the 92+ if you can shell out the bucks. Also can't use it on most tests including SAT's, PSAT's, AP exams and such.
TI-92+ Only disadvantage is it's size and inability to be used on most tests. If you're a student, don't bother, get an 89 if you have enough money to be considering a 92+:P
Just my 3 cents...
18 October 1999, 08:39 GMT

Heh and if you can figger out how to use one, try an HP Grapher!!!
Charles Yong
The HP series calculators are a lot less user friendly, and mostly professional programmers and engineers own them, but gad you take a look at the stats on those things:
Internal IR Ports (yes hp users have programmed these things to act as universal remotes)
Calc/PC/PDA transfer ability with IR Ports
Ability to upgrade to 4 MB ram INTERNALLY with home made modifications
Check out the games, a FULLY OPERATIONAL Zelda (several versions, all with diff storylines, that oughta keep you busy)
Operational DOOM with 4 weapons!
Prince of Persia, Mario Clones, and everything else you want (including SF2, and Mortal Kombat + Ultimate Mortal Kombat, unfortunately nothing of the quality the TI-89's SF2 spits out, even though they've got the hardware to store all the uncompressed full gray scale fighters on their ram with room to spare)
Professional programmers makin' games and junk for the calcs
Internal Speakers
Only runs on 3x AAA Batteries (saves you the extra buck:P and lasts just as long as the TI's which use 4x AAA's)
Has an Internal Clock/Date/Sound Alarm for appointments!!!! no extra programs for that needed! And HP found a way to make the internal clock work without draining the batteries barely at all. (I have a 6 year old HP48 that I never used because I never bothered to figure out how to use it, that is only off by 10 minutes and has batteries still at almost full power.
+ a bunch of other stuff... but unless you can figure out how to use one of those things, stick with the TI's... oh yah, they already have an operational Radio Link as well as coming with vinyl cases:)
Another 2 cents... that makes 5 cents now right?
18 October 1999, 09:03 GMT
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