ticalc.org Breaks a Myriad of Records
Posted by Nick on 1 October 1999, 02:13 GMT
We've done it again this month as ticalc.org has broken many previous records in the month of September. Weekly Requests: The week of September 5, ticalc.org broke their previous weekly request record (1,241,964 for 27 September 1998) with 1,319,691 requests in one week. The week after, September 12, we broke it again with 1,534,186 requests. For the following week of September 19, we had 1,449,810 requests, beating last year's record but still not re-rebreaking the record. Currently, the week to beat is 12 September 1999 with 1,534,186 requests. Monthly Requests: Now for the good stuff. Our past record was 4,364,883 requests for September 1998. This month, we had a ubiquitous 6,089,551 requests. Monthly MB Transferred: Now for the really good stuff. Prior to this month, we transferred 49,355 MB, or 48.198 GB, off the server in the month of September 1998. This month, we moved 102,613 MB of data, or 100.208 GB. This is the first time ticalc.org has broken 100 gigabytes of requests in one month. We'd like to thank you, our loyal users, for helping make this the most memorable month in ticalc.org's hectic three-year-long history. It's been a wonderful year with its many ups and downs and we're looking forward to providing you with the same great service for many years to come. If you'd like a detailed copy of our web statistics since April 1997, please click here.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: ticalc.org Breaks a Myriad of Records
Eric Sun
(Web Page)
whizzee! um.. yeah.
1 October 1999, 00:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ticalc.org Breaks a Myriad of Records
No, sorry, you're wrong there. *You* need a grammar checker.
And if you want to get technical, you need to separate your clauses with commas, as well as your quotes.
Quotation marks always go outside of the normal punctuation.
Customarily, only the first word of a sentence is capitalized, not the second as well.
Always use two (2) spaces between sentences when typing a document.
When comparing two objects, please make sure they are of the same type. Clauses may be compared to clauses, and phrases may be compared to phrases, but never clauses to phrases or vice versa.
Another mishap on your part is that you did not quote the heading word-for-word, as is necessary when quoting somebody or something. This exactness in quoting even applies to capitalization, too.
In addition, I do believe that the name is ticalc.org, not TiCalc.org. The second one doesn't appear anywhere on the website, only in your head, and it just plain looks bad.
To sum it up, you should have written this (ignoring the incorrectness of your correction):
Great job, ticalc.org, but you might want to get a grammar checker. The proper headline is, "ticalc.org Breaks Myriad Records," not, "ticalc.org Breaks a Myriad of Records."
Now I get a chance to actually support what you were trying to say. Technically, any news-type heading requires capitalization of all initial letters in its words, and general tradition is not to include articles. However, ticalc.org is a proper noun, and since the organization may define however it wants its name/logo/whatever to appear, that's how they wanted it. RESPECT IT! Also, ticalc.org is not exactly the professional newspaper, following strict guidelines on heading style, body style, etc., but what they do post on their website is a mere formality on their part.
Other than that, have a nice day! :)
3 October 1999, 08:17 GMT
Nick Silkey
(Web Page)
1st non-member c0mm3nt! Ph34r m3, j00 llamaZ!
1 October 1999, 01:08 GMT
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