Virtual TI v2.5 Released by Rusty Wagner
Posted by Nick on 26 September 1999, 22:58 GMT
Rusty Wagner has released Virtual TI v2.5. For those of you living under a rather sizable boulder, VTI is the standard in TI emulation on your computer. Remember that you need a rom dump from your OWN calculator to use this legally. It is available for downloading from our archives here. What's that? You don't know what an emulator is? Well, shame on you! For more information on emulators, click here.
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Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Released by Rusty Wagner
nicholas palko
i have vti 2.0. what is new in version 2.5?
26 September 1999, 23:58 GMT
Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Released by Rusty Wagner
(Web Page)
Cool, but windoze 98 crashes every time I run it. (BIOS functions don't even work)
27 September 1999, 00:04 GMT
Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Released by Rusty Wagner
(Web Page)
Does anybody know if there is any TI89 emulator for the Macintosh?
27 September 1999, 01:10 GMT
TI Graph Link Black Link
(Web Page)
Does anyone know how to make this program work with the Black (Windows Only) TI-Graph link- I think the program only has support for the Grey Link.
27 September 1999, 01:25 GMT
Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Released by Rusty Wagner
Craig DeLine
I need help, i purchesed a TI-89 but not the graph link. I heard about this emulator and thought that i would run my calculator on it and some programs to see it the graphlink is worth purchesing. But now I discovered that I need something called a ROM Dump or Image. Can someone help me out??? Do i have to go and buy the graphlink and waste money?
27 September 1999, 01:46 GMT
Re: Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Released by Rusty Wagner
2 get a rom image, download a copy of the flashrom updater from ti's site (, and then open it w/ winzip (if u don't already have it, get it at it'll open, even though it's an exicutable. there'll be a .tib file in it, which is ur rom. extract it 2 the folder u put vti in, and ur done. u can do this for the 89, 92+, 83+, and maybe the 73 (i'm not sure if ti or vti support it, but then again it who'd wanna use it anywayz?). i did this.
note: while this is illegal if u don't own the calculator, i do own an 89, so don't flame me for doing this, 'cause i didn't wanna take the 2 get if off the calc, and i wanted 2 see if this really works (which it does)
27 September 1999, 03:06 GMT

Re: Virtual TI v2.5 Released by Rusty Wagner
Quote from Vti.txt: "This emulator will run ROMs from the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92 II, and/or TI-92 Plus calculators."
I did what you did with another file to get the ti89.tib file (works like a rom). When I loaded it into the same folder as VTI, it didn't recognize it. I went back in the archives, downloaded, a v1.01 beta program designed for the ti89 and 92(+). This program recognized the rom. Sooo.. I don't know that much about programming, but I guess there's some compatibility problem. I'm just saying that if you're having problems with the TI-83+, it's not the only calculator VTI v2.5 is having trouble recognizing.
Then again, maybe I overlooked something here; I'm sure someone who knows more will respond to this. (Probably telling me to buy the d**m ti89, instead of trying to get the rom free - lol)
29 September 1999, 16:33 GMT
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