7th Grade Student Overclocks TI-89 A Bit Too Much
Posted by Nick on 24 September 1999, 23:10 GMT
WALLA WALLA, WA - On Wednesday, a seventh grader attending Lincoln Middle School accidentally overclocked his TI-89 "a bit too much," sources say. The student, named Bryant Kramss, replaced the C9 capacitor with one made of pure radium for reasons unknown. According to family members, Bryant "felt he had an innate need to make his TI-89 three kilohertz faster" by replacing it with the insanely unstable element. As noticeable in the picture, taken in supposedly total darkness, the 89 has obtained a pale greenish glow. Rumors that the modified 89 does 100! in under a picosecond are unconfirmed. Bryant was admitted to Holy Family Hospital in Walla Walla on Thursday morning after he happened to notice the growth of a small tumor and an extra arm. He was then given prompt chemotherapy and he is now in serious condition. He is expected to fully recover very soon, as the dosage of radiation was not severe enough to cause any permanent damage. The 89 is currently under the FBI's custody, which is having tests run on it. The source of the radium is still unknown.
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Re: 7th Grade Student Overclocks TI-89 A Bit Too Much
Wow ... I didn't know that seventh graders had TI-89s. I'm in tenth grade and only have a TI-82. :)
24 September 1999, 23:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Heheh I win
Luke Haywas
(Web Page)
hes pullin yer leg, theres no such thing as a ti-95. Even ask TI. the first graphing calc they made was the 85. Then 80,81,82,83,86,73,92,92+/89,83+. In roughly that order. But ti89 is still the greatest.
7 October 1999, 04:15 GMT
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