Link Cable Made From Phone Cord
Posted by Nick on 7 September 1999, 03:04 GMT
Chris Bunting of Fission2Labs approached us with a clever idea recently: a link cable made from a normal phone cord. According to Chris, he's had perfect transmissions from cables as long as a hundred feet. Many projects from them are under development but one of their other finished inventions (it's in the alpha stage) are their LED lights for a display screen. The whole site is definitely worth a read.
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Re: Link Cable Made From Phone Cord
Elias Cotton
couple q's about the tiv modem first whats the v second i know that we couldnt surf the whole web since the sites arent made for the calculator but is there a way to download programs directly into our calcs just using this modem i mean could we use like part of ticalc or another site dedicated to ti's and have the site able o be used by a ticalc with the tiv modem and a browser program for the calc maybe build the browser into the modem.... well any answers will be appreciated...
7 September 1999, 05:30 GMT
Re: Link Cable Made From Phone Cord
It says the price is $10 to $20, well, at Best Buy and Staples, they sell them at $17, they better be getting cheaper. Also, what would you use to send stuff, Com port 5 or something. I wouldn't be able to send programs. I don't know much about some Win program call something like trans with a prefix or something call like that and if you know how I would be able to send stuff like programs to my calc, e-mail the discription to me. Okay?
7 September 1999, 20:48 GMT
Re: Link Cable Made From Phone Cord
I probably wouldn't purchase your products, if I had first glance at your website. I suggest that you run a spell checker on your text, because it looks unprofessional if you're trying to sell something.
8 September 1999, 00:42 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Link Cable Made From Phone Cord
Here's a very simple solution. Go out, buy some really long 3.5mm audio extension cable, ~$5. Then look at these, and within them are 2.5mm --> 3.5mm adaptors, and 3.5mm --> 2.5mm adaptors. If you buy these(and I know they're very easy to get ahold of), you can mix and match, and have an extender cable that is much more streamlined, and far less cumbersomme than this phone link. Also, cheaper, and easier to make (by yourself).
8 September 1999, 02:41 GMT
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