TI-83 Plus Section Added to Archives
Posted by Phil on 22 August 1999, 06:41 GMT
Directories have been added in the archive for the TI-83 Plus. You may now upload to these directories. Also, the appropriate choices have been added to the Account Information and search pages. If you see anything lacking or incorrect, please email me.
The comments below are written by ticalc.org visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of ticalc.org, and ticalc.org takes no responsibility for their content.
Joltima and TI-83+ ?
Justin Karneges
(Web Page)
Since the TI-83+ was released, I have received a few emails asking for a port of Joltima to the TI-83+. Since I have no TI-83+ (or TI-83 for that matter) I was wondering if there are any TI-83+ programmers out there that would be willing to do the port instead. I know that the 83+ probably segments the memory up like the TI-86 which would give the calculator a size limit. Joltima was ported to the TI-86 in about an hour by Bill Nagel as the game easily can be divided into sections. Is this the only problem to porting games from the 83 to the 83+ or is there more to it? Although I have no plans to go purchase a TI-83+, I am curious about it's differences.
22 August 1999, 07:44 GMT
Speaking of the 83+...
Ben Lukens
(Web Page)
Perhaps a stupid question, but what's the deal with the flash rom in the 83+, or all flash calcs I suppose. I mean, what can you put in it? Just those special flash applications TI sells? Or can you actually have 160k of regular assembly games on your calc? That would obviously be pretty cool. And speaking of flash apps, are/will/can there be any not from ti? Are we gonna see huge 100k+ games any time soon? I have no money, and if I did I wouldn't spend it on another calculator :), but I'm curious.
22 August 1999, 08:30 GMT

Re: Speaking of the 83+...
Scott Noveck
(Web Page)
Flash ROM has several uses. It allows the calculator's ROM to be updated to newer versions, which may have new features or bug fixes, without buying a new one. Flash ROM space not used by the calculator's ROM can be configured as User Archive memory, where programs and variables can be stored -- they can only be played directly from RAM, but they can be stored while not in use. Say you have 2 20k games: You store one in archive and one in RAM and play the one in RAM. You can then archive the one in RAM, unarchive the other one (moving it to RAM), and then play it. On the regular 83 you only had the RAM and could only keep one of those games. Also, TI reserves 160k of Flash ROM to be used for "Applications," which are specially written and digitally signed, so that they can be made to only run on one calculator - and sold - or be shareware and run on any 83+. And a single application _COULD_ be up to 160k, although then that would be the only application (and it better be GOOD =)
22 August 1999, 17:57 GMT
Re: TI-83 Plus Section Added to Archives
Mark Leverentz
Now all the archives need is the ability to view the readme file of a zip file without downloading the whole zip. Or maybe the ability to download any single file from a zip file without having to download the whole thing. For example, if I download the new SFII, and accidentally delete my favorite player, I could just download that file, instead of re-downloading the whole package.
22 August 1999, 18:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: TI-83 Plus Section Added to Archives
Phil Genera
The real problem with this is the file space it would take. ticalc.org has about 7500 files (actually, a bit more than that, but hey). Now, assuming all but 500 files have readmes (most do, trust me), that means ticalc.org needs at least 7000 new web pages. Ok, now if I recall, there's a 4k overhead on each page. That means, at minimum, 7000 x 4 = 35,000K of new files. Plus, an automated system would need to be devised to make these pages, and a mass generation of pages for currently existing files would need to be done. And all that work would keep us from working on something interesting and it would take up 35mb of disk spce needlessly.
24 August 1999, 03:40 GMT
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