Kirk Meyer Retires
Posted by Nathan on 20 July 1999, 02:14 GMT
Kirk Meyer, who has been a news editor, our newsletter editor, and our reviews editor, has decided to retire from those positions. He is entering his senior year in high school and will not have time to maintain these areas of We are grateful for all the effort he has given us during his time in those positions. Kirk will continue to handle miscellaneous programming tasks as we continue to improve our site. Watch for some new improvements in the future.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Kirk Meyer Retires
James Rubingh
(Web Page)
Kirk should program something instead. He has MAD skills.
By the way, I still LOVE sim community, it's always on my calculator, even though i never have anything on it any more...
20 July 1999, 02:22 GMT
Re: Kirk Meyer Retires
not to anger anyone or any shiot like that, but doesnt it just seem a little weird that this "young upstart that stole bryan rabelers position" is now leaving? hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... i really dont know what to think. but good luck kirk!!!
gotta get back to that thing ive heard about called real life.... nah, just gonna stay online
20 July 1999, 04:40 GMT
Abraham Kim
(Web Page)
I think we should recognize Kirk for what he did, not what he did not do. We shouldn't criticize him but show a great thankfulness to him for all his work toward this site and other tasks.
20 July 1999, 05:45 GMT
Re: Kirk Meyer Retires
Hmmmmm.... Maybe now should hire Bryan Rabler back.... :) just a thought.
20 July 1999, 16:21 GMT
Re: Kirk Meyer Retires
Sam Heald
(Web Page)
Who are taking over the role of review editor and newsletter editor?
20 July 1999, 17:57 GMT
Re: Kirk Meyer Retires
id be sorry, but he'll be back just like the 3 other times he retired
20 July 1999, 22:26 GMT
Re: Re: Kirk Meyer Retires
my thoughts in no consecutive order:
1. yes, i see what you mean
2. kirk, no disrespect, but have you ever read "the boy who cried wolf"? (i see the irony with the name, don't remind me), you've "retired" three times, gonna come back again?
3. get an idea and stay with it! who here remembers TI-94, aka. Cymbol?
4. ticalc, it's good you put up these notices, but i am *bored* with you having news about everything except new programs we should try
5. KAKE, where are you this time? i always check on the messages and you're one of the first to put anything up
6. got to get myself a life, too obsessed with TI-86, i've already put several bookmarks on this place.
well, that's about it, wanna hear more ramblings of an insane teen, you got my email.
20 July 1999, 23:00 GMT
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